Dems To WH Counsel: Stop Ukraine Stonewalling Or Face ‘Escalated Measures’ | Talking Points Memo

Well I want to do more traveling. I may make a few runs to

(Finishing comment after boy cat wiped out my desk)

New Mexico. Albuquerque and Santa Fe are on the list. So I will check out the local food scene again.

Oh, and does anyone know if JDs exists anymore? Their sticky pecan buns were enormous and incredible.

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Works for me!
(looks over shoulder guiltily)

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I’m digging your twitter feed right about now haha


O my! (imagine that that was said in a George Takai voice…)


Very nice!

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If the transcript makes Trump sound like a coherent, intelligent, educated adult who is able to express full thoughts in complete sentences … we’ll know for sure it’s been edited or just totally fabricated.


That is the question. How do we all know it is not edited? They have been stalling for time on this again.


Can we put the whistleblower up in a secure location with carefully vetted security until then?

I’m reading twitter comments and am shocked (ha!) to see that no one, absolutely no one, believes that the transcript is complete or hasn’t been altered in some way. All want to the hear from the whistleblower.


Ok here we go.


As I’ve been saying … right after the Acting DNI refuses to talk at the Thursday hearing (or maybe that tactic is being reconsidered now by the administration, too) would be a great time to hear from the WB.


mmmm - green striped dress a definite mistake. Ill made gown, as you can see how poorly the stripes go into the underbust area. and strapless is usually a mistake for women with her sized breasts. The green is not flattering to her blonde coloring. Also, necklace does not go with that style.

Navy blue on the other hand - always right, day or night.

I know this isn’t why you posted this photo, dear lgb, but I can not help myself.


I read it as ‘cynical hipster chick’ to describe you!

Nancy always looks fabulous.

Melania should have taken some lessons.


Praise to whoever wrote this because none of it his style, but I do like “fully declassified and unredacted” part.


Re: the transcript.

IMHO the sole reason Trump is doing this is to cause disarray among Democrats.

Dems need to cite the transcripts that Nixon was willing to release – and the information he refused to disclose.

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Dems are now all hot on Ukraine which was leaked by Repubes to protect Trump. They have offered up the Ukraine issue to distract from the Whistleblower complaint. Dems have taken their eye off the ball. The issue is what the Whistleblower said, not what Trump and the Repubes want to talk about!


And if you believe that, he’ll sell you a great property (currently underwater) in Florida.

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The original - President Donald Trump July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky?

… may be difficult to understand without Trump’s portion being translated from the Russian into English


One has to assume that Zelensky has okay’d this…

efforts should be made to get the Ukranian version of the transcript out first.

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