Dems Shift Into Role As Opposition Party With Reminders That They're The Adults In The Room

Originally published at: Dems Shift Into Role As Opposition Party With Reminders That They’re The Adults In The Room - TPM – Talking Points Memo

With little to live for in the days since Republicans took back control of the House, Senate, and White House, Democrats have officially taken up their mantle as the opposition party. That work has, in recent days, at times taken the form of repeated jabs at their colleagues across the aisle, reminding viewers at home…

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These days our cats & dogs are more the adults in the room.
Liberal democracy is close to dead


The voters surely backed the “adults in the room” in November…

I hope Biden does not invite Trump to the White House before the inauguration. Joe can give Trump one last big FU in 2 weeks.


It has been a long time since I worked on the Hill; now, I just work with veterans committee staff on the Hill as an advocate. When I spoke to a few staffers today they said it was somewhat ridiculous that the Capitol was a fortress today to protect against what? Really, what did they think would happen today? The Ds were just glad the fucking day was over while the Rs seemed giggly and silly, squirming in their seats and laughing. Some left for potty breaks. I am proud of my party and especially Kamala Harris. I’m glad this day is done. Gone the sun.


Now the Democrats have to ACT like an opposition party: loudly and repeatedly detail the flaws and inequities in every Republican proposal, and block whatever actions they can. Forget the ideals of politeness and congeniality – those days are dead.


Because everyone wants to pretend the parties are equivalent, especially the media of course.


Ann Telnaes with some follow up political cartoons from her colleagues. They are so good.

With gratitude - by Ann Telnaes - Open Windows


Biden should pardon all of the people Trump and his violent lawless henchmen have threatened.


Kinzinger said he wouldn’t accept one as he’s done nothing wrong. I’m sure others feel the same.


If the dems are going to be the opposition party they need to oppose.

None of this Ro Khanna “some of their ideas are worth looking into” shit.

Primary that punk.


We’re looking at a four years winter of discontent.


reminding viewers at home that there’s one party that does peaceful transfers of power … and another that doesn’t.

The key word there is “peaceful”. Republicans voted for war.

Good luck.


Dems need to build a counter narrative and constantly reinforce it at every turn. Billionaires looting public funds to enrich themselves at the expense of the average American, would be a good start since we know that is what is coming.


We get another shot in 2 years.


Since we can’t comment directly on Josh M’s posts (though I guess we can email him), I’ll take an opportunity to do so here. Josh:

Now, Jeff Bezos’s decision to fund a look at the heroic story of Melania Trump’s rise from post-Titoist Yugoslavia to trendsetter in the field of arm-candying.

As I noted in a conversation last night, I don’t envy the position of the hundreds of journalists at The Washington Post who continue to do — criticisms on the merits notwithstanding — a great deal of very high quality journalism. Bezos has now put his cards very clearly on the table.

First, "… the heroic story of Melania Trump’s rise from post-Titoist Yugoslavia to trendsetter in the field of arm-candying* deserves some kind of literary award.

Second, WaPo. What’s to become of it? It’s never really been a great newspaper. The NYT overall has always been the better one. (Many years ago, a few other mainstream newspapers also did valuable national reporting.) But at certain times (obvious example, Watergate) and most recently, Trump (the reporting of people like Carol Leonnig and Phil Rucker, to cite the obvious), WaPo has been indispensable. I only began to subscribe online to WaPo after 2016. In the last four months or so, not only has their online layout changed. Their reporting has thinned, and they’re pushing some AI crap. That along with some prominent resignations, of course. And I haven’t noticed a Leonnig or Rucker in a byline since it seems like forever. Was gibt?


"here comes the sun" beatles - Search Videos

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NOT Bloody likely. It’s more likely he’ll serve him tea.

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Probably actual tea, no polonium added


Certainly as you and I thought we knew it in our salad days, liberal democracy is one with the wind. But I’m uncertain now to what extent the idealized I was taught about actually existed. This isn’t to say that we couldn’t see the flaws in the system of government we lived in–log-rolling was still a reality, money was still a pollutant in our political system at every level, the Delaware compromise was blocking Federal reforms of many sorts, and so on. But the oligarchs were content to stay behind the curtains for the most part.

I think you and I were young adults through the high point of liberal democracy. My big question is, how large a shove did the oligarchs and their sycophants give the pendulum as it started its descent away from an attempt to make The People sovereign towards making certain people sovereign?


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