Laura Ingraham says universal free pre-school will only give liberal teachers an early opportunity to teach Critical Race Theory to vulnerable children. Won’t someone please think of the children.
Should? Yes.
Will? Uhhhhh…don’t hold your breath.
While universal pre-k may sell well, I wish that we’d have a full accounting and discussion about what the tax burden for families should be relative to other people who either don’t have children or whose children are grown and out of the house.
Have a sibling pulling down several hundred thousand. Now he’s getting a thousand a month from the government for his kids, plus this benefit would apply to at least one of them. He’s a homeowner, so of course all those tax advantages and write-offs there.
I pull down a fraction of his salary, have no kids and am a renter, so I’m paying full load with almost no deductions available.
I’d like to see some balance, whether costs for their kids are limited to a certain percentage of their income or whatever would be fine. But a bunch of well-off folks are making bank off these sorts of things while many other people get left behind.
In the original Golden Age of capitalism (around the turn of the 20th century) the rich were able to afford large staffs of servants of all types because they paid so poorly. A maid might not have a set of clothing beyond her maid’s uniform. They lived in little rooms in the attic. Republicans think those are the good old days and that is the world they are trying to recreate for us. Any program that pulls American children out of poverty is anathema to the Republican ideal.
More downhomespun wisdom from Tea Bagger Vance.
I know it’s tempting to require means testing for programs like universal pre-k but they work better and reach more kids if we accept that a few wealthy people will also benefit. I think it’s better to pay for a few rich kids in order to reach all the middle class and poor kids than to exclude lots of middle and lower class kids in order to prevent every last rich kid from benefitting. It’s the same as with the law - better to let one murderer get away than to erroneously imprison innocent people that don’t have the means to mount an effective defense.
I’m right on board with that.
The same moment that the government also provides relief to the single and childless renters in America who seem to be a constant ignored entity, even while providing the backbone of the stable working class while other people drift in and out of the workforce, take time off work for Timmy’s soccer game or doctor visit, etc.
Single people pay the highest damned taxes in the country, and now we’re turning around and making them even worse off compared to the folks who couldn’t keep it wrapped.
You’re right about that and it has always bugged me. I’ve been paying school taxes for everyone else’s kids while working overtime because the “parents” needed to take care of family things for decades. It never got fixed during the 45 years I’ve been in the work force. The one that really gets me is all the folks whose kids are grown that think they shouldn’t have to pay for schools anymore. None of them ever stop to think that they have never paid enough tax to educate even one of their kids, let more the whole passel. Grrrrr. The idealist in me would love to see a solution that honors everone’s personal choices without sticking it to one group that made a different decision.
ETA Vermont has their school tax set up so that, all other things equal, the person or couple with no kids will pay more school tax than the people with children in the schools. Go figure.
Wisconsin has Pre-K for 4 yr olds - and there is no means test. Unfortunately, not all schools are able to offer it for a variety of reasons (including continual education funding cuts by the GQP, but also things like no place in a smaller school to hold class). In our district - 3rd largest in the state - we offer it in several schools, as well as through private day cares which receive the same state funding for teacher salary and student support. It has worked fairly well here, but it’s still only half day.
Kudos to any three year old who can understand critical race theory.
C’mon, any child who’s played MarioKart understands the critical need to get ahead and the theory that the faster you are, the more chance you have of winning. Why would you think Critical Racing Theory would be hard for them?
Say wot? Oh, nevermind…
One wonders if all this is just moving chairs on the Titanic. We may have already hit tipping points, including but not only, clathrate methane release, loss of polar ice cap, melting of permafrost, an alteration of atmospheric chemistry that will take several thousand years to rebalance, massive draining and poisoning of aquifers, soil degradation, profound species loss, food scarcity and overpopulation. Maybe Kevin McCarthy is right, all that matters these days is defeating Democrats and their radical socialist agenda. Screw reality.
It tax a village
Let alone that certain of the racers like Bowser are faster than others, and seem to have an unfair advantage, so when you’re stuck with an unfavored competitor because someone already picked Bowser and they won’t let you do the same, you already know you’re going to lose.
Truly, an excellent example you picked there