Manchin might want to check the bilge pump on his yacht.
I’ll leave it at that. Watching this vicious cycle of media - media consumer opinion facilitation is making me dizzy. Good night.
The inflation that bothers me? Manchin’s ego.
This fucking guy.
remind me again why did Biden sign BIB if BBB is still being torpedoed by Manchin? wtf
Biden promised Jayapal that he would produce 50 Senate votes. She repeated this last night. She knows more than we do. Manchin is good at this dance. Manchin’s long-time associate, Jonathan Kott, stated that Manchin will sign the BBB.
…this is in no particular order…but I will say that this story and others like it (which neglect the closed-door meetings we here are not invited to) is an (intentional) downer.
Because half a loaf is better than none.
And the BIF stuff takes a lot more time to get off the ground in launching projects, so the clock was running on that.
Need to give #47 Buttigieg accomplishments under his belt before he’s up.
Consumers with money are blasé about high prices. Consumers living on the edge, or on fixed incomes, most definitely are not. Especially when it comes to basics like gasoline and groceries, and not the latest gadgets on Amazon. These people vote too. Have you been to a grocery store lately?
Wealthy people are bored, sitting at home and buying lifestyle improvements on Amazon. That’s what’s driving the retail sales figures. People who are not wealthy are struggling to put food on the table.
getting worse
No, better.
Trump knows he lost. He’s known for a long time.
Apparently, the media is still in the dark.
Where? Got an example?
South Carolina? Alabama? Mississippi? Louisiana?
Live long enough and you will learn that the economy will go through these cycles.
Anybody want to talk about 15% interest rates on home loans? Watch gasoline go from $.30/gal to $.75 in a few months and then never go back down to anything close to the beginning price.
Anything to generate hysteria and end of the world shit is the goal of the “media” today. The innertubes are killing America.
Yep. The grocery store here is as busy as I’ve seen it since before the pandemic.
Things were bad last year.
IT just Manchin, nobody but Manchin and a bunch of traitorous, gutless Republicans. And Manchin is about as moderate as my fucking language, so there! Asshole, dickwad, liar!
Just making a point on language!
My FSM Gracious! I am glad I don’t live in New Hampshire, and certainly glad my daughter don’t go to school there, if the law works as described they will soon be left without any teacher with self-esteem. This is the kind of shit you expect from TX or FL.
#47? Ms. Harris would like you to report to her office…
Inflation is a result of coming out of the pandemic with stronger growth than anticipated. We should be so lucky. Only a couple years ago we were facing global DEFLATION which makes inflation look like a walk in the park. If Biden wanted to put the kibosh on inflation the way the GOP wants, about five minutes with Fed. Reserve Chairman Powell to tell him to hike interest rates 2% would do it overnight.
COVID-19 still controls the world economy and we are nowhere out of the woods yet. Two big issues to watch. First, both the Chinese and Russian coronavirus vaccines suck, and so an explosion of coronavirus cases in East Asia is not just possible, but likely. I don’t see the USA or Pfizer bailing out the communists on their vaccine issues before we get the western world fully immunized. Second, the Chinese banking system has always been suspect, has no transparency and is still teetering on a complete collapse. If that happens, it could take the entire world economy with it.
The US needs to de-leverage itself from so much dependence on China for everything related to manufacturing. Corporate America has completely sold its soul to outsourcing, largely to the unstable, unreliable sources, (which explains the chip shortage issue among other things), and so global supply disruptions are just built-in to the system. “Just-in-time” replaced “Just-in-case” to satisfy Wall Street, but it has left us vulnerable to stuff like COVID-19. Today’s supply chain problems will be a picnic compared to what we could be looking at in 12-18 months if China collapses.
Finally, Manchin is just looking for an excuse, because he doesn’t want anything to compete with coal. WV is an economic basket case today, WITH coal. Without coal mining, the best thing to do with it is to turn it into a National Park. Manchin may still be persuadable, however, because if he votes against BBB, he will be the loneliest guy in WDC, by a long margin.
Schatz earlier on was trying to get people to stop negotiating by press conference.
Sounds like he’s running out of patience. The coal baron senator has killed the climate change measures that he wanted so much in BBB.
History will not be kind to Manchin for the damage he has done.
Count me in on the “F.A.T.W.O.M.” hat.
Manchin needs a REAL Democratic primary opponent. A REAL one!