One thing I noticed is that in the swing states his portion is always 51% with a little variation after the decimal point. That seems weird. Reminds me of the work of a kid in my Chem 1A lab when I was a grad student…gave him an F for dry labbing. When everything is too neat, ask questions.
I’m gobsmacked by the whole thing—and have never been big on conspiracy theories either—but I want to see how the rest of the count & verifications go…and what the intelligence agencies say.
It’s nobody’s fault. Trump won in 2016. He would have won in 2020 had he put on a mask once in awhile. And he just won big. The American people like his racism and rapiness and corruption and cruelty. They just do. I don’t know how we can compete with that.
No, Hitler lost to von Hindenberg in the March, 1932 presidential election 53% to 37% with the Communists getting 10%. In November that year the Nazis garnered 33% of the vote in the Reichstag . While they were the largest party in the highly factionalized legislature, their percentage had dropped 4% from the last election.
Hitler was appointed Chancellor by President von Hindenburg. Trump’s 51% exceeds Hitler’s popular vote percentages in both the presidential and legislative races.
The abortion rights supporting women voted for Trump at the same time, perhaps
If so, then yeah, we got people out to vote, and then they split their ballot by voting both for abortion rights (Amendments) and against abortion rights (Trump/Republicans).
There goes my retirement IRAs etc.
I guess the big question is whether the billionaires for trump, aka Oligarchs, can manage him to not utterly destroy our economy or not before China does.
Came here to say this. I think any person who voted for a state abortion ballot measure AND Trump is going to get a big surprise if repubs keep the House.
I just cancelled a few appointments for renovations on the house today. Told the contractors I had to save $$, because of the incoming Trump recession. Anytime anyone in the next four years tries to sell me something, I’m going to tell them I can’t because of the Trump taxes and Trump recession. Frankly it probably will be true. Also, starting with Amazon, going to fight with my pocketbook. I’m also toying with cancelling my United Way contributions - again - the Trump recession. I don’t want people to suffer as a result of doing these types of things but there are quiet and not so quiet ways we can show resistance. I think market forces need to hear from us. That means you Jeff Bezos. Amazon is such a crap corporation anyway - I lived a life before Amazon and I will after I’m done with them. We need some serious economic boycotts of the worst offenders!
Is a “congratulations” call really the way to refer to it? She’s calling Dump to maintain the pretense that we still live in a democracy? Not criticizing her for doing it. But I don’t congratulate him for anything. I detest him and what he and the GOP are going to do to this country and to life on earth. There is no congratulation for that. Just another way our venerable traditions have been rendered not merely quaint but nonsensical.
I’m not sure your thesis is supported by the facts.
It looks like Trump got the same voters he always gets, but ~10 million people stayed home this time who voted for Biden/Harris in 2020. That’s not a behavior that is explained by the kind of ticket-splitting excuse-making you hypothesize. So I’m not sure I buy your theory that simultaneous abortion amendments fouled Harris’s chances.
Perhaps they stayed home rather than vote for a woman instead of fascism? That would still be a story about intractable misogyny.
Nikki Haley, in a post on X congratulating Trump on his win, accused Harris of not conceding quickly enough.
Donnie still hasn’t consistently conceded the 2020 election. And it took him how long to do it all?
Ideally, of course, we’re all served by leading by example.
In a world of, “One rule for me, another for thee,” it just turns you into a target of bad faith criticism.
Surely, there has to be a way of effectively and non-defensively redressing this imbalance?
It looks like Trump got the same voters he always gets, but ~10 million people stayed home this time who voted for Biden/Harris in 2020.
If you read my post this is exactly what my post is saying.
That is it should be no surprise that Trump’s dumpster fire of a campaign defeated a very well run campaign by a Black women and that the defeat went down the ticket.
I mean when the Obama’s had to spend weeks trying to convince Black men to vote let alone not to vote for an openly racist against them candidate, we should not be surprised by this result. That is even worse than being Black, being a woman is far more disqualifying in today’s America and being Black and a woman is why for the first time Trump won the popular vote.
But the question from the moment Kamala Harris replaced Joe Biden as the nominee was always will Harris make up the loss of men, mostly White but also significantly Black and other men of color, from White women.
Given that many mostly men who would not vote for Trump would stay home rather than vote for a woman let alone a Black woman, Harris needed to gain support from White women.
Bottom line: Harris received no more votes from White woman and possibly less than did Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton.
The question is given Dobbs, why did not Harris receive more support from White women? I gave at least a partial answer that question.
I agree with this. The United States, despite the bravery of patriots like Abraham Lincoln, FDR, Johnson, Clinton and Obama, simply cannot shake off it’s persistent vision of women and black and brown people as second class citizens.
It was not the policies of the Democratic Party, that, quite dramatically, brought us out of the train wreck of the worldwide pandemic that caused this bad outcome. Most of what the Biden Administration’s policies were and are quite popular. It was simple racism and sexism that denied a beautiful, talented, experienced multi-racial woman like Kamala the opportunity to lead us. This outcome says a lot more about US than about the Democratic Party or Ms. Harris.
It is no accident that BOTH of Trump’s Electoral wins were against women. It is also no accident that a white man, Joe Biden, got over 81 million votes in 2020, vs. Trump’s ~73 million and Harris’s ~67 million in 2024. Trump could not beat the Biden of 2020. That tells me that if he ran against a non-incumbent Gavin Newsom he likely would have lost, resoundingly.
It pains me to say this, but I do not think any Democratic candidate for POTUS who is not white or male can win in this country, at least until the Electorate becomes better educated and more mature. Not even Obama or Biden won a majority of white voters. It’s sad but true. That the GOP could not put up a better candidate than Trump is even sadder - both for them and for the country.
Obama was an exception and his triumph over the two best candidates the GOP put up in this Century (McCain and Romney) is even more impressive today. Kamala Harris was just as charismatic as Obama, but the country has changed and not even Obama could have beaten Trump last night. The Democratic party needs to swallow hard and think more strategically when vetting the next candidate for POTUS.
And Garland is already shutting down the federal cases. Well fuck. I mean realistically there’s no way they survive, but it’s just so close to accountability and we throw up our hands and give up. Sigh…
I’m looking over the change in voter behavior on Washington Post’s map and the sea of red on the map showing more Republican votes is insane. How did nobody on the Harris campaign pick up on an impending monumental shift like that?
They need to nominate someone with good social welfare policies, but that is also misogynous, nativist and racist. Because that is what matter to Americans it seems.
Thanks, Merrick the Meek … because you dragged your feet for 18 months before appointing Jack Smith, Trump escaped justice before the election, and now forever.
Thanks for the update. I was shocked when I saw that 43% number and thought it wrong. El Paso county maybe, but not statewide. Have not yet checked to see how Adam Frisch did in CO-3, but he was running against a more sane Jeff Hurd. CO-3 is huge geographically with lots of rural areas. Boebert winning in her new bright red district (Good riddance!) is no surprise.