Democrats Assess The Wreckage After Nationwide Collapse

Howard Dean was right.
Run in all fifty states.
Comma dammit.


Yes, it looks like the first part of the defeat that needs to explained, with supporting evidence and not platitudes and stereotyped characterizations of Democrats.


Those wins for abortion rights will be gone by next summer when from the House to Senate to oval desk will come a nationwide ban, states rights be damned.


I suspect that this way of allowing some women to split their vote, as it were, may have been a significant contributor to Harris’ defeat.
I think it warrants being tested with research.


MO Republicans have done this before, and they’ll do again.
My thoughts on why the amendment passed was that there were enough voters, F and M, that had some sort experience when a wanted pregnancy goes wrong. And I would also have to think that healthcare options in out state MO are bad enough for not just pregnant women.


That is what people wanted that is why he won again


This country was lost on Joe Biden’s watch. That is quite a legacy for a man like Biden. This is a country of bigots and racists. I am embarrassed and ashamed to be an American.


This was not only predictable but predicted. Like it or not, many Americans of all races and ethnicities, while mostly men but including some women, will just not vote for a woman for president and especially a Black woman.

Two dumb things elected Trump in 2016, dumb White people voting for Trump and dumb Black people not voting.

When Harris replaced Biden, I had 2 Black men that day tell me they were not voting because they could not vote for Trump and according to God being president is a man’s job.

Furthermore it is not just Black men or even just men.

America is a religious country and those religions go back to a time when being bigger and stronger were more important and dominated life. For example, me and my wife are both lawyers and in our jobs we are equals. But if we were both farmers, hunters, or where manual labor was important, we would likely not be equals.

Furthermore, there are still many jobs, how many female car mechanics are there compared to male car mechanics, that give an advantage to being a man. There are also still many women who depend on their economy on their male car mechanic or other male physical labor.

It is of course easy to point at Christianity because it is the dominant religion in America but in truth it is all monotheism (Jews, Christians and Muslims) where the pronoun for God is “HE”. It is also not just monotheism as ultrasounds are illegal in India because if the child is going to be a girl the chance of an abortion are 100 times more likely.

The low turnout, some will argue is because Republicans would not vote for Harris but could not vote for Trump but that is a false reason. The reason for the low voter turnout is that while mostly men, millions of Americans who would otherwise support the Democrat, or almost any man other than Donald Trump, are just not ready to accept, let alone vote, for a woman president.

It is as much as the Comey letter defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Kamala Harris in 2024.


Of all the reasons for a loss, simple lack of turnout was not the one I was expecting. Trump will end up with about the same as he did last time, which is what we all
knew, but the simple fact is that Dems just did not turn out to vote, despite the stakes. As disconcerting as the result itself is, the truly disheartening piece is that so many Dems just stayed home. Just mind-boggling given what was at stake. Well, I guess this is what they wanted, so I hope they get exactly what they deserve.

I do have to laugh at the 10-15% of voters across numerous states who voted to protect abortion rights, but voted for Trump. Is there any reaching folks like that?


I don’t know what the graph makers at NBC News were smoking, but in defense of Colorado the Harris’ share of the vote was 54.6%, not 43.1%. Yes, behind the abortion measure at 61.5%.

She also outperformed Boebert, who in our shame (not my district, but still) achieved 53.0%.


Just be sure to take a picture of their furrowed brows in their vain attempt to understand how a federal abortion ban nullifies their freshly minted state abortion protection.


Sorry, but you are wrong. Hitler was indeed elected. Mussolini did force the then-King to appoint him Prime Minister. But the Germans ushered Hitler into power with a plurality of the vote.


I think you & I met here in TPM comments two presidential elections ago in the same predicament. Sad to be back in the same sad spot 8 yrs later.


“Now, it’s time for the American people to come together, pray for our country, and start the process of a peaceful transition,” She wrote. Nimrata Haley

Fuck off, Nimrata.

Where was this when Biden was trying to help lead the country out of the Covid hinterlands?

Again, fuck off.


I felt particularly sad this morning, driving back from an appointment, seeing so many Harris/Walz signs, and thinking of TPM stalwarts like @pluckyinky and @thunderclapnewman (and likely others) who are needing to step away and decompress.

Sometimes in our world, evil wins. And its practitioners are exultant. But for you Tolkien fans (and I do not mean to patronize or minimize how catastrophic this is) I want to think of this is Helm’s Deep, not the Battle of the Black Gate. Big difference.

Please do take care of yourselves.


She better be sure that they didn’t hack the election system before conceding (because i think they’ve been running up fake votes in rural counties since 2008 and i know i sound crazy)


“That begins with Kamala Harris conceding. You can’t just talk about unity in a campaign, you have to show it regardless of the outcome.”

Earth to Nikki Haley, Trump never conceded in 2020.


Democrats turned too hard to College Educated Dorm Room Speech driven by a kind of activist group very visible in places like this, and got shellacked by losing the working class.

And sneering snobbery at MAGA heathen isn’t a great way to win back working class votes nor are intellectual arguments about fascism.


As far as I am concerned, Nikki Haley can climb a cactus.


Hitler first came to power by being APPOINTED Chancellor by von Hindenburg in a political deal authored by von Patten. Von Patten was actually acquitted of all charges at Nuremberg.

While serving as Chancellor, von Hindenburg died, Hitler ran for and was elected president.