Democratic Governors Brace For Coming Legal Battles Against Trump Admin

Originally published at: Democratic Governors Brace For Coming Legal Battles Against Trump Admin

Just days after Donald Trump’s victory, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) — a vocal Trump critic — called for state lawmakers to convene a December special session ahead of Trump’s second term in the White House. The goal: to “Trump-proof” the Golden State. Newsom emphasized he wanted to safeguard the state’s progressive policies on climate…

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There isn’t enough kale in the entire world to Trump-proof the whole state of California.


Will be interesting to see if the “mass-deportations” include the farms of the Central Valley?

My guess “they” will go after easy targets. And NOT Trump donors.


“The problem is the folks who just want to criticize because they hate Donald Trump so much. And I do think that there is a level of Trump derangement syndrome, people on the right use that term, I think there’s validity to that. I do think there is a level of Trump derangement syndrome among some that they are completely incapable of giving him credit for anything. And you want to restore credibility? Try and call balls and strikes. Give him credit when it’s warranted, recognize successes. I think that allows you then the freedom to criticize as well.”

This sanewashing of Trump can lead to no good.
If running the Times of London in 1945, Abrams would have insisted editors balance reports of the discovery of concentration camps with an article pointing out “Yeah, but remember, Hitler built the Autobahn!”

Trump is a deranged fascist, sociopath and xenophobe. That’s the lead story, every day. Building the fucking autobahn is immaterial.


Ocelot, 2:



“I don’t want to hear about the ‘radical left’ from people who pose their kids with guns for Christmas cards.”


This is a term that Republicans even got those in the Center left to use it.

The ‘radical left’ isnt looking for anything that wasnt mainstream Democratic ideals from the 30’s up until Reagan

This term is used so effectively that even Jaypal gets pulled into this description, despite agreeing to separate BBB knowing full well Manchin would seell us out after getting his side. (Something is better than nothing, pragmatic progressive)

The right and the center use these terms to scare folks into not supporting policies that would help the middle class.


Oh yeah and sweat shops and meat processing plants. Lots of easy targets without doing much work. Will get great video too of busloads of people being loaded up and taken away.


Isn’t it interesting how the concept of states’ rights fell by the wayside when it came to the Voting Rights Acts and Commerce Clause litigation. It was the cry of scoundrels who wanted to oppress people. Now it is becoming a battle cry for progressives against an oppressive and unconstitutional acts by the federal government. This messy group of 50 states (or 50 messy states?) makes it difficult for authoritarians.


THIS is tRump derangement syndrome:

White racist fucks with beer bellies.


Yes, but honest, deserving, native born Americans will rush to fill those jobs. Millions aspire to work grueling 12 hour shifts in the cabbage fields, stooped over with a blade, harvesting the bounty for family dinner tables. And who doesn’t long for those same double shifts, a menacing supervisor hovering nearby, as you happily toil to gut and section the mandatory one chicken per minute on the assembly line?
Yeah, those damned immigrants are robbing people of jobs they desperately need.


By the time TMF is done, they will desperately need those jobs. TMF is getting rid of the immigrants ahead of time.


Trump is merely going to extract bribes from companies and industry sectors to exempt them from any policies that will do them harm. Legal bribes at that, dumped into political PACS Trump controls though strawmen. Whether it be tariffs or ICE spiriting away their workforce, if you pony up to the King you’ll be permitted to survive, exempt from the mayhem.


Great pic of Newsome. Tall, great hair and a communicator. Opportunity is a knocking and I hope he hears it. What governor is going to be leading the Vanguard against Trump and establishing his position as top pick for 2028? And yes I said “his”, for we all know Hemingway lives! Sorry ladies.


That is a broad generalization. Surely there are also White racist meth heads, with no beer bellies


Fixed it.


And listen to all the bitching about the increased cost of good.


It seems Newsome is angling for the Presidency in 4 more years. As a former Californian with most of my family living there, I say no to that.