Dem And GOP Sens. Hammer Out Tentative Deal On Debt Limit | Talking Points Memo

Oh. I’ll let Barry Goldwater and John McCain know.

Her popularity is higher than Mark Kelly right now.

Manchin is at the WH as we speak. Caucus is gonna let Bernie be Bernie, but Manchinema have to get to ‘yes’. They bailed Manchin out of a tough spot which he created with his bs delays on BBB, his messaging through Politico, and his weakness on the filibuster that Dems keep having to run circles around him for. It’s time for him to pay back the caucus. That time is now. He and his sidekick will get to ‘yes’ on BBB and BIF before the end of October. Once you show strength as Schumer has now in thoroughly eviscerating McConnell on this debt ceiling threat, things tend to go more smoothly.


We are still running on debt piled up in the trump years as you pointed out. That debt will still be around in two months time.


Thanks. Can you give us the poll numbers. I read the Arizona press from time-to-time and I missed that comparison with Kelly. Is it new?

I agree with your implied broader point that the DC commentariat has no clue about Arizona political dynamics, but Sinima has real problems in her own party, which she is going to need to patch up.


I stand corrected and therefore apologize. According to Ohio Insights Kelly’s favorable numbers are a point higher than Sinemas.


Thanks. Manchin spends more time at the WH than anyone except the chief usher. So I’m glad he is there right now. I hope they emerge singing “Joe rowed the boat ashore. hallelujah!”

My guess is that you get Manchin by giving him things he really needs in W. Va., not by threatening him. The treats are explicit. The threats are implicit.

The one thing he really needs right now is legislation to save the Black Lung program, which functionally goes away at the end of the year. If he jams the caucus on Big D infrastructure, there is just no way he will get that legislation or anything else. None of this has been discussed in the press, but I have to believe - from earlier decades with a little bit of involvement - that it is understood by those at the table.

Biden leadership is what is crucial here. Millions of Americans have been rooting for him, but they are frustrated beyond imagining.


Manch is running out of leverage. He basically broke on the debt ceiling, showing that he is not willing to blow everything up. For him, losing BIF is not so different from default – it represents a complete political loss. Now it’s just a matter of squeezing him and getting the BBB bill up in the 2.5 trillion range.


They have reached a deal on the debt ceiling according to numerous pop-ups on my machine.


IT gives the Dems breathing room to get the BBB legislation passed, and included some heavy leaning on Manchin and Sinema to get with the program.


President Biden is very much in charge.
He just isn’t broadcasting it to win points with the public, because that would be counterproductive.
He knows Manchin and McConnell well—probably better than they know themselves, politically speaking—and he’s exerting both power and influence behind the scenes to get what he wants.

That’s how the pros play the game—and how they win more often than they lose.


Subtext: They’ll both change party to the GOP in December? Perhaps Mitch offered them Elaine as a bonus incentive.


McConnell was reading the polls…where he would be BLAMED for not paying his bills…and so he ‘caved’ for two months. Spin away Mitch…we know what you saw…


All voters or just Dems?


Flies. Vinegar. Honey. Flattery. “Family”?


Report: Manchin Wants To Force Progressives To Pick Only 1 Of 3 Family Policies To Prioritize

He’s seen “Sophie’s Choice” but apparently thought it was a “feel-good comedy smash”?


Do subsidies for the coal industry in West Virginia represent an “entitlement society”?

— Mondaire Jones (@MondaireJones) October 6, 2021

Or it’s just that, if the Bernie wing gets their way, being a parent would become a lucrative career, as we socialize the full cost of raising their children and give them cash to keep producing.

There’s gotta be a balance somewhere in the system.


“Bridget Jones’ Concentration Camp Diary.” It bombed at the box office. Too derivative.


Well, I sure hope you are right. Cheers.

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It’s conflicting for me. Our most important resource in my mind is the kids. We need to prioritize their care and development because it is justice.
But as a species we are too many for this planet to sustain. How do you take care of the kids and still discourage procreating?
Tough question.