‘Defendant Shall Not Attend Protests’: In Portland, Getting Out of Jail Requires Relinquishing Constitutional Rights | Talking Points Memo

Its not. Its just whatever they can get away with so that the protesters learn that the only thing left to them is overruning the law enforcement presence with overwhelming violent numbers, at which point the feds will have finally manufactured their excuse to put thousands of boots on the ground to conduct mass arrests amd punish the protesters with violent retribution via their better toys.


“Federal Magistrate”



OK. Then they put the gall in galloping fascism.


Its a fear tactic, aimed at getting self restriction.


Canter deny that logic…


No, it’s not legal, but that does NOT leave protesters with no recourse but violence. They have legal recourse, which I hope they’ll pursue and am sure they will, and they will win, but this isn’t just not lawful, what the feds are doing is a crime, both the crackdown and the justification for it, and will be shown to have been so. Making shit up to do illegal shit is a double crime, and I don’t think they’ll have a friend in John Roberts if it comes to it. I think he’s done with this wing of the GOP.

The way to deal with this is NOT to give up or become more extreme. They WANT us to do that, and are pushing us to do it, for the reasons you gave. The way to deal with this is to be methodical, patient, disciplined and tenacious, and keep at it. Eventually, we will win this. We always do in the end, however long it takes. Reactionaries are always fighting rearguard actions.


Because we need a bit of levity this morning.


I didn’t see it because I try not to watch that guy, but what is your takeaway with his limp or dragging his leg? What is that an indication of to you? (I really don’t know, I am not snarking.)

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What really pisses me off about this kind of thing is that the result of a legal win is an order telling them not to do it any more. And then, when they continue, there has to be yet more litigation asking for a judge to tell them not to do it anymore in person. The officials in charge of this should get the same treatment they are meting out to protestors.


I’d sign this just to get out of there:

I pledge allegiance to the Trump
And to the Republicans who make him stand
One white nation, under god
With liberty and justice for some


No stinkin’ Mexican’s going to take over my fentanyl business!


OT. Next administration should release all of this SOB’s documents and next Congress should properly impeach him…


ACLU to the rescue.


If I was caught protesting, charged with walking on a sidewalk, incarcerated, and released based on the requirement that I no longer protest, you can be damn sure that I would be protesting again ASAP.

If we don’t stop fascism now, then the only way to stop it later is through violence.


These limitations on protest rights seem a lot like unenforceable NDAs to me. Bully tactics by bullies. Also this -



Barr is truly longing for a reinstatement of Jim Crow ‘laws’.


Instead, we should sic a murder of crows on him.

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Why do they not move the protest to another area farther from the Federal Property. They are just playing into Trumps hands. There are plenty of places in Portland to protest that dont give Trump and his goons (including the white supremacists) a reason to make the protesters look like the bad guys.

They made a mistake when they didn’t have the protestors sign a non-disclosure agreement as well.

FaKe News, Lasers CaN Burn thrOugh 6 Inches Of Steel. TheYre luCky Not to haVe smoKing hoLes clear ThrouGh their BraiNs.

DHS has claimed that some officers may permanently lose their vision, but as of July 24, the most serious injury detailed in federal charging documents was an agent who reported seeing spots in his eyes for 15 minutes after the laser attack.