DC’s Top Federal Prosecutor Doesn’t Rule Out Probing Trump Remarks That Drove Capitol Mob | Talking Points Memo

So, I wonder. When she said, “The violence we saw…” and “We condemn it…” who is this ‘we’ she’s referring to?

That’s quite possibly the most clever double-speak I’ve ever seen.


You can make that five now. The Capitol Police officer who was critically injured has died.

So much for supporting the men and women in uniform. Again, Trump must be held fully accountable. His mob, his watch, his responsibility.


You can bet Tom Cotton is gleefully rubbing his hands together.


This is a decent op-ed from Joe Lockhart over at CNN. He nails a few points that I think are super important moving forward.


“DC’s Top Federal Prosecutor Doesn’t Rule Out Probing Trump Remarks That Drove Capitol Mob”

This shouldn’t be some kind of surprise. Fed prosecutors should investigate serious crimes for freaking Christ’s sake.


Signed both. The Hawley petition was about to hit the 2,500 goal, and the Cruz petition had almost 20k out of a 25k target, and they’re just getting started…

Those two seriously fucked up. I truly hope they both pay a heavy price, personally and politically.


The parts before 15:00 and after 17:15 or so were vastly more believable than the part in between. Not a single lie in there, unlike the middle part.

They were there inciting the crowd as well?


The Liberal Redneck… that was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a good while. Considering the topic and times, I needed a good laugh. Thank you!


Yep, and Rudy was especially inciteful… a regular Boogaloo Boy.

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Well, idk about dumb but for sure racist.
Many are members of Proud Boys for sure.

Read their tweets and watch Jrs video.

Excellent point. Fuck Ted Cruz. And that animal growing on his chin, too.

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More than an instigator — an active plotter. Trump removed DOD/Pentagon leadership after the election. DOD/Pentagon then refuses requests to deploy troops before the rally, then delays an hour and a half after the Capitol was stormed before authorizing troops.

Trump didn’t just incite the terrorists — he helped plan the attack.


I would dig beyond just remarks.

  1. Why was Team Trump gleefully watching this unfold? Blasting music to prevent recording?
  2. Why was the pentagon leadership gutted after the election?
  3. Did Barr know anything when he abruptly resigned?
  4. Why did the Capitol Police stand down?
  5. Why was the National Guard not deployed (and they Trump lied and said he activated right away). Why was the MD NG prevented from coming for hours?

I know I sound nuts, but this was not a spontaneous mob.


Maybe the WH staff can resurrect the “Gorilla Channel” videos. Those seemed to calm him down.

Of course!

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You know, if this gang was made up of Black kids instead, every SINGLE one of them would be charged with the murder. Even the people that drove them there.


I have no doubt that would be the case.

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