DC Attorney General Sues Proud Boys And Oath Keepers For Jan. 6 Damages, Citing KKK Act | Talking Points Memo

Using the KKK Act is sweet irony.


Right on cue the Garland-bashers rear their misinformed heads.


This is going back to their midlife form of organizing. I think it was in the late 60s that the bigger white supremist groups went into a individual cells, as opposed to to a normal organizational structure. The beauty of the individual cell system was so you weed out the FBI moles. But with centralized structure then there will be goals, dues, and the higher muckety mucks don’t know the differences in the regions of a state or the country. And the national organization treats the regional guys like their franchisees.


Just so long as there’s no John Deeres.


A civil suit will bankrupt the organizations (destroying them), and cause significant legal trouble for the leaders (expend time and money). The result of the civil action is money for injured police and the Municipality costs and will FULLY feature the crazy, disgusting, and wicked things done on Jan 6th.

The defense very well may commit additional criminal acts while attempting to skirt civil judgment. These are two different arms of two different investigations.

Civil judgment is also based on the “purponderance of evidence” as opposed to the criminal “beyond a reasonable doubt” - which is a big deal.

People said they wanted to these guys hit where it hurts… this is one avenue that will do that.


Lock them up?
…Too soon?


And now there is a parent group with a real liberal sounding name that has formed in my school district. Some on Nextdoor gave a link to someone, so I looked, it took me a couple of minutes to figure out that they abhor and detest any book in a school library that deals with race, or LGBTQ characters. One of the books they want pulled
because of teh Gay.
I’ve actually read this one, well as an adult, but still John Green is a good writer. And “Dash & Lily” by David Levithan and Rachel Cohn was cute.

What I don’t get about these parents is that they are younger than me, like way younger. I’m happy to read YA books, there’s just so much good stuff out there than when I was in high school. I bet they would object to S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders”. :woman_facepalming:


Not as far as I am concerned.


Has Trump told the Proud Boys to “Stand Down” ?

or has he told them to invoke “Executive Privilege” and not respond to this suit ?


“If you’ve got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.”

― Theodore Roosevelt


Good. Put them all in the poor house. These organizations, like the NRA, have no place in a civilized society. Letting the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers and other fascist groups parade around like 21st Century “Brownshirts” is dangerous and should not be tolerated.


We read S.E. Hinton’s “The Outsiders” in junior high school in the early 70’s and no one griped about it. Her other work like Rumble fish came out later in the decade so we didn’t get to it.
I have friends with kids in junior high and high school who try to keep appraised about what their kids are reading. Some of the popular YA stuff like 13 reasons why bothered them while some of the titles that dealt with topics like police brutality didn’t.
Most weeks the New York Times book review has the listing of the top selling YA works. Many of them outside of the Harry Potter series have been on there for a couple of hundred weeks and tend to be the edgier more controversial fare.


I’m just jealous of the depth of voices in the current YA literature. I felt like no one was, or too few were writing for the YA market in the 70s.


That’s why I’ve been bemused that in recent years the New York Times book review has its own listing of the top selling YA works, a niche market that didn’t exist then. By the time we got to high school it ran the gamut from Shakespeare, Hemingway, Kurt Vonnegut and Hunter S. Thompson.


Unfortunately, it will take a lot more than just this to re-establish the norms of law and order in this country. The Right now feels immune from the law. They even disregard the purpose of the protections our laws are designed to provide. Folk up in Michigan are going door to door, intimidating people into falsely admitting voter fraud. Fox State News are encouraging people to ignore laws if they obstruct their abilities to get what they want. The SCOTUS is even allowing States to disregard protections afforded to US citizens in our Constitution on religious grounds. Lawsuits like this from the DC AG are well and good, but this entire country needs a good slap upside the head to set us straight, and get us back to being a functioning Republic again. That slap upside the head is going to hurt, too.


You make a good Case.


Kyobi more specific?

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Why, Cub oughta straighten out all you punsters.

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It’s gaining traction.


La Malfa uses PB as security in NorCal. Activists are afraid to show their faces around the local PBs for fear of violence later. Terrorists gonna terror knowwutimean?