There is more…
Now that’s just being cruel. A Moscow Mitch drone should be banned weapon.
I had that same dark thought last night
I still love y’all! This was just the most appropriate response!
I’m waiting for Liz Cheney to admonish the surviving shooting victims for not apologizing to the gunman
She’s a Democrat, she’s a woman, she isn’t fawning over him. Dayton will now be designated an official “sh*thole” place.
Wait… Toledo is at the northwestern corner of Ohio and Dayton’s more in the southwestern corner. We know that trump is geographically challenged (remember the African country of Nambia?) and unwilling to study up before launching into a speech so it’s no surprise really that he hasn’t the first clue about anything in Ohio
“My immediate reaction is that people from the coast never understand Ohio and they think all Ohio cities are the same,” Whaley said.
Well, he’s the one who specifically said “Toledo” instead of “Dayton”. Right?
My sister felt like it was a tactical mistake for senate dems to focus on the attempted rape because it was such a long shot to prove, and should have focused on the financial improprieties that would have been much more difficult for Bart to explain away.
Given that he was at a rally in Cincinnati just last week, you might expect a bit better.
But I guess we shouldn’t.
Admittedly, it’s not the most important thing this week, but I can see how it would come off as a sign of disrespect.
Cop: “Did you see anything else, Mr. Jones?”
Mr. Smith: “I’m not Mr. Jones, I’m Mr. Smith.”
Cop: “Whatever you say, Mr. Jones.”
" Dayton, Ohio Mayor Nan Whaley didn’t hesitate to air her grievances over [Trump’s response to the mass shootings over the weekend"
No. Airing grievances is Trump’s bailiwick and he does it nonstop, 24/7. You need to find a better way to describe Mayor Whaley’s expression of her frustration. Go back and try again.
Makes a Haiku.
Toledo tomato
fucking moron speaks hollow
racists see reflection
OT, but “BREAKING: Trump Campaign Sues California Over Tax Return Law”
Really? The CAMPAIGN is bringing the suit? WTFF…
Yes, so I don’t understand why she basically made an East Coast thing instead of referring to his specific comment.
I know it’s really quibbling about the headline, but based on it, I would have expected the story to say she called him out specifically about his mistake. Instead, she pinned it on the east coast. So, that’s my headline quibble.
I understand she’s under duress, but I think it’s a pretty safe bet that no news outlet on the east coast got the city wrong in any of their stories, and I doubt many people on the coast besides DT did, either. That’s why I don’t understand why she characterized it the way she did.
There was no city on the TelePrompter; that was an ad-lib. My theory is that his staff told him if he gave the OK white power salute during this message he would be ridiculed by the press, lose all but the dead-end Trumpies, and be denied Diet Coke and ice cream for the rest of the day. Therefore, he was concentrating so hard on not doing the salute (he came close but manged to avoid it!) that he nothing left at the end. Trump wanting to show off how smart he was added the name of a city in Ohio that has 6 letters - unfortunately he went with Toledo which as the hometown of MASH’s Cpl. Klinger and his beloved Mud Hens takes up more space in the recesses of Trump’s addled brain than the city that just endured a mass shooting.
The mayors comments on Trump’s overall speech were pretty pointed. She had A++ shade on the Toledo flub yesterday when she said that she heard Trump might come on Wednesday or maybe he’d go to Toledo. I think that is why she didn’t go after him directly today.
Because the campaign would be aggrieved if he’s not allowed on the ballot for failure to release tax forms???