Millions of Texans have been left without electricity and heat in the frigid weather for more than 48 hours now due to a severe snowstorm that overwhelmed Texas’ power grid, causing outages statewide.
Well in his defense, the mayor of Colorado, Texas did tell everyone to make a plan to keep their family warm and have access to water and not rely on the Government! Of course that was contradicted by Rick Perry who told Texans to freeze for a few days to keep the Federal Government out of Texas. What to do…what to do…
Can’t this piece of flotsam just be honest for once??
In my mind, that would look like: “I have no excuse, no plan, and no intention to do my job. For this lazy and cynical approach, I expect the support of all republicans, everywhere, since they are complete idiots who will continue to vote for people who demonstrably destroy their health, homes, and jobs.”
A living embodiment of the American Can-Do philosophy: need to stay away from messy situations that require work, and have lots of taxpayer money at your disposal? CAN DO!
What are those Texans griping about? They elected Cruz because he assured them that the durned ol’ gummint was good for nuthin’ and all the politicians are thieving, self-serving, corrupt liars.
You get what you voted for. Or, as “W” wisely said, “Elections have consequences.”