Cori Bush Joins Chorus Of Progressive Dems Calling For Thomas’ Impeachment

Right Freaking on Cori!


I, too, call for his impeachment.


Durbin has announced hearings, but with Feinstein out, the Judiciary Committee lacks Democrat votes to issue subpoenas.

Roberts could put a stop to all of this by bringing the Supremes under the same rules for the rest of the courts – and get an independent committee to investigate Thomas – but that will never happen.


Fuck impeachment. Throw his stank ass in prison.

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I get that some of the corruption stuff is new, but I don’t get what the endgame of the scolds is supposed to look like. Thomas has also been a stone cold idiot for 30 years and that hasn’t troubled anyone. His purpose is to be a conduit for right wing think tank policy and to collect incidental emoluments. This is all working as intended for his team.


Should Clarence be impeached? YES

Does it make sense to call for it when Dems don’t control the House? no


In a way it’s not a bad thing that the court include folks who weren’t solely career lawyers and judges. You want people who were at least part of the legislative process and understand governance. Earl Warren was a governor. Sandra Day O’Connor was a state representative. Stephen Breyer was the legal counsel for senator Kennedy. All brought that requisite experience to the court.


I think now we have to call it a “generative lynching.”

Cori Bush Joins Chorus Of Progressive Dems Calling For Thomas’ Impeachment

I guess when you’re in the minority party in the House, there isn’t much to do.

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Which congress made sure do not apply to supreme court justices. That dog won’t hunt.

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Does it make sense to call for it when the senate will never find 16 GOP votes to convict as long as there is a democrat in the white house? No


True. There is another approach which is to pressure Thomas through his colleagues. Every SCOTUS justice should be asked about gifts, travel, freebies. Ask if they have declared everything or are they hiding grifts from the public just like Clarence does. Ask them if they had any difficulty filling out their annual disclosure form. Ask them if they are ok with their spouses instigating an insurrection. Have a judicial review on all of the justices, all because of lyin’ Clarence. He can be pressured from within the Court. And, of course, continue to talk about what a failure John Roberts is as a Chief Justice. Right now, Thomas is getting all of the negative attention while the other justices wipe their brows and say “PHEW!!” Put every one of them on the hot seat. Then we will see what they think of their “esteemed” colleague.

I remember in grade school with the nuns when one kid would do something wrong and the whole class was punished. We hated it and resented the guilty kid. Still applies.


A certain incapacitated Democratic Senator is responsible for that.

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This will be his first. Hi-tech was in it’s childhood still in 1991


My two go-to memes on this topic are:

You’re on the Supreme Court … You’re on the Supreme Court … everybody is on the Supreme Court.

I told two friends about the Supreme Court,… and they told two friends, and so on and so on…


I never got his “high-tech” description of the “lynching.” Was Uncle Thomas still awestruck by the idea of “television” in 1991?


Durbin is worthless.

I took it to be a reference to TV coverage of the hearing. More Hi-Fi than Hi-Tech. To me, a high-tech lynching is what happened to Mussolini, only wireless.


Just enough pressure to convince them to punt on the mifepristone case. Why call down more heat when you don’t have to.

Yes. His humiliation was very public.