Coons Relayed Kavanaugh Allegation To FBI — They Didn’t Follow Up

It’s easy to not find anything when you don’t bother to investigate!


Of course I agree, but Max Stiers, a White man, would not get the same treatment. I mean, some, of course, but not like the women.


IMO, everyone expected it. The left warned about it, the right hoped for it.

I’m not certain a fully independent justice department would work. A fourth branch would be just as susceptible to corruption and the ticks would be harder to remove if votes were required. The main problem is we have one party who has no interest in governing anymore, only stacking the deck.


We should impeach Trump and Barr first. If we get somewhere there, we can impeach Kavanaugh.

To be clear: there are no new grounds for impeaching Kavanaugh. The victim of the penis thing can’t or doesn’t want to remember it and find herself crucified by the right. We’ve literally been emotionally triggered here–we are so traumatized by what happened at the confirmation hearing that a scrappy new allegation has sent us all backwards in time to the Kavanaugh confirmation fiasco. The presidential candidates are calling for impeachment simply in response to the emotional outburst.


I think her comments to her friends were along the lines of, “I’m not sure. It was like a penis … but smaller.”


Its entirely possible she doesn’t remember – or doesn’t remember clearly enough. But what is telling about this particular story is that there is no discussion of other witnesses. Just the one guy saying he saw it, and her friends saying ‘she doesn’t remember’.

But I don’t believe that the authors of the book would have included a completely unsubstantiated accusation – best guess is that there are other witnesses who are reluctant to come forward.


Again, I agree. But it’s also calling attention to what the FBI did NOT do per instructions. Also, the GOP would not hesitate to hold hearings—and this is the kind of partisan ruthlessness and media smarts that the Democrats should engage in, imo. Not being able to change anything has NEVER stopped them from putting on their screaming show trials (e.g., Benghazi, etc.)


Isn’t it wonderful to have 2 sexual predators on the Supreme Court?

Yes that is a sarcastic posting!


I think the outrage should be directed at the fact that he repeatedly lied under oath in his confirmation hearing just last year in denying the facts of assaults, the yearbook entries, the black-out drunkenness, probably how his massive debt was paid off, etc., and this story re-raises his dishonesty.

i would bet there are many other examples of his past behavior as a well-off, privileged white teenager and young man just as disgusting and possibly criminal as what we know about … and a lot of people just don’t care about those long-ago acts. But recent perjury - maybe.


Oh the Halcyon Days of an undergraduate party at Yale in the 80s.

You drink to the point of passing out and then your friends D-pants you and manage to put your flaccid penis in the hands of another insensate inebriate of the other sex on the floor with you and then take pictures of it.

I don’t want to see them, and the woman doesn’t want her family to either.

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Pres. Moscow Mitch

Agreed. I’m definitely in favor of investigating the investigators here.


Maybe his wife will take action. Surely she has been abused by a blackout drunk more than a few times. He really likes beer and is emboldened.

Stier said that he was at a party and saw Kavanaugh with his pants down as friends pushed his penis into a young woman’s hand.

I gotta admit I’m wondering about this.

Is anyone else wondering if there’s some serious “I’m staying firmly in the closet” vibe going on here with these males?

Or is letting your male friends grab your penis normal and :100: hetero as long as you’re sexually assaulting a woman ? :thinking::roll_eyes:


trump threatens them to keep them in line. He has the power to make or break careers, and he’s letting them know that they should be “loyal” to him by protecting his misdeeds and anticipating his desires.

It’s a control move. Like an abusive spouse or parent - holding a weapon over their heads to enforce behavior.


IIRC their scope was limited to produce the results the Senate Rs wanted.

This isn’t news.

What’s news is that it’s back in the news with House Ds able to attempt to perform some Oversight.

People were predicting Kav wasn’t a done deal just because he was hurriedly sworn in that weekend.

Tick tock.

Cc @becca656 @theod @castor_troy @evave2


This goes for the GOP.

Why is this still being reported as a new allegation? It’s an old allegation which we never learned about because the FBI was derelict in its background checking.


I would favor pursuing impeachment of Kavanaugh on the basis of lying to Congress during his hearing and the improperly reported financial irregularities.

Just before his nomination, some benefactor abruptly paid off his massive credit card debt, his country club fees, and mortgage (totaling roughly $2 million). He was asked about this during his confirmation hearing, but tried to explain that he bought season tickets for 60 of his friends and they were just paying him back, and the rest he just shrugged off, knowing he would never be investigated. The problem is, the debt incurred and the source of the payoffs remains unreported and mysterious. He’s hiding something. This is where Kavanaugh’s impeachment investigation should go. The sexual allegations are damning, but hard to prove. The money trail can be followed.


He lied multiple times under oath. That’s been proven already. Just like Andrew McCabe and Bill Clinton (well, you get the point).