Conservatives simply cannot believe Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) dared to wear a costume on Halloween.
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Conservatives simply cannot believe Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) dared to wear a costume on Halloween.
“It’s not Batman. It’s Batgirl.”
That’s funny.
Cold ice cream sucks, too.
Next coming down the hallway is a Democrat dressed up as the ghost of Judge John Sirica!
N0 doubt there to fight bat shit.
Obviously, Red States have run out of snowflake costumes…
I guess the stores ran out of toad costumes for Republicans.
(fun fact it’s an army of frogs and a knot of toads)
The horror…The horror!
Holy hypocrisy, Batgirl!
I love conservative outrage. It’s so genuine.
Oh, I just love it when they get all huffy like that. “This impeachment is an unAmerican sham and a disgrace and an outrage and you’re not showing proper respect for it either or conducting yourselves with dignity, you poopyheads.”
Next, they’re worried Rep. Katie Porter is going to want to use the men’s bathroom. The Horror!
She’s Batgirl, assholes. If she wore a Supergirl costume they still wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
These dweebs really do have problems with gender, don’t they? Let’s just say they’re a bunch of Debbie Downers.
Imagine if she came to work in a tan suit.
It seems like they are leaving the Joker to Republicans. If the shoe fits…
“They are voting on impeachment and Rep. Katie Porter is wearing a Batman costume,” fumed Carmine Sabia, managing editor for The Federalist.
But Trump’s been wearing his Halloween mask every day for years …
I love that this is what they think they can publicly condemn at this point.
Its about all they have left. MAGAT’s weak tea.
I liked Porter before - I like her even more now.
The Republican outrage machine needs an overhaul - hasn’t got quite the same zip that it used to have.
Republicans are pretending to be actual responsible representatives, and not just on Halloween. Given that, I don’t see why a Democrat should not pretend to be someone else too.