Conservative Group Pushes For Immediate Voter Purge In Wisconsin

“We live in that hope and work to that end.” Saving that.

Makes perfect sense unless your goal is to disenfranchise those who don’t fit into the fore mentioned categories. In Wisconsin, there is same day registration. You can register with proof of address. The voters that they fear most are the ones who were highly motivated in 2008 and may not have voted since. May have moved and not re-registered. Decided not to respond to a legaleeze letter designed to confuse. The fear is that disgust for dRumph may provide enough motivation to get traditionally Dem voters to go to the polls, only to be told that they are no longer registered and just decide to go home and not return. It won’t effect 200k but it would only require a fraction of that number to swing it in their disfavor.

Can we stop calling these folks “conservatives” please? They’re radical anti-democracy activists. Just short of a militia.

i know I’m naive here, but what could the irreparable damage possibly be of not purging these people immediately? If they show up to vote, they have to show ID that matches the address they’re registered under, in which case there’s really no question they have the right to vote, especially in federal elections. If they don’t show up to vote, then there’s no harm either. (And if someone did go to the trouble of preparing fake ID and faking a registration, then they would certainly have the resources to respond to a caging mailing.)

(Btw, have I got that right, that the republicans are doing this on the basis of people either not returning a postcard or not accepting deliver-notification mail from an unknown source? Because if I got a registered letter from the GOP I probably wouldn’t accept it either.)


Total dick move by total dicks.


I’m sorry if I did not know this. Was an official Wisconsin voter registration notice sent out by WI GOP, or any other GOP controlled entity?

The policy that Republican have, like in there’s only one policy in their folder, is Cut Taxes For Businesses and the Rich. That’s it.

aka “Obama voters”, in case I was being too subtle.

Protecting the Constitutional right of [Republicans only] to vote since 1788.

Yeah I can’t figure out something that has happened in Dallas and Tarrant Counties under that theory, though. We can now vote anywhere in the county - not just our precinct.

I’m still trying to figure that out - it’s obviously going to make it much easier for people to vote.


Agree. They are bomb throwers & racists for hire, as these types of lawyers work for money.

The conservative Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty asked a judge Thursday to hold the state Elections Commission in contempt and charge its members $2,000 every day until it removes over 200,000 voters from the voting rolls, per the Associated Press.

Only if the Institute gets penalized $2,000 for every legitimate Wisconsin voter purged from the elections rolls that has to re-register. Based on what I’ve seen of these actions in other states, that’ll easily add up to a multi-million dollar penalty.


On top of that, the over 200,000 voters in question come largely from Democratic parts of the state.

Of course. That’s the whole point of the exercise.

Meanwhile, Texas is removing temporary polling locations from places used mostly by students and the elderly. They now insist that a polling location cannot just be put up for election day, it has to be in place for voters for every day and every hour of the early voting as well. And most counties cannot afford to do that. And that means that polling places on college campuses and in retirement homes, set up to accommodate students and the elderly, who may have limited transportation options, won’t be available this time around.


May this fine be so.

Elderly voters can mail in ballots and there is a huge program in place right now to get those people their mail in ballots.

And they just loosened place restrictions - we can vote anywhere in Dallas and Tarrant Co now - we aren’t bound by our precincts anymore.

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Yep, statewide tena.

Registered and eligible voters may vote at ANY early voting location located in the county of residence. Whether you are at home, work or out running errands, you will be able to find a polling place near you.

Harris County Clerk’s site:

Just like during Early Voting, voters are no longer restricted to an assigned polling location and may choose from 350+ polling locations across Harris County.

Who would have thought the TX Lege would act this progressively-- when the state is borderline turning-purple?


Its a pretty audacious move…literally demanding a specific penalty, undefined by law.

But the point I think to keep in mind is, this is the action that is getting attention…or at least the weak sauce NPR attention.

Mention of the fact that the LWV moved first to keep the voters on the rolls until this issue is resolved…got no mention. Either on NPR or here on TPM.

That’s key to what is going on. And shame on TPM for making this a story, with the LWV motion being a bottom of the article mention, and not making the initial response the story.

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Same song, second verse.

Is there some point at which we stop playing this Lucy and the Football bullshit, acknowledge that we no longer have free and fair elections and withhold the consent of the governed until we do again?

This is the whole election. 200,000 votes in Wisconsin is more than enough to give it to Trump again, assuming Wisconsin is the pivotal state it was three years ago.

Lock them up! The Cheesehead GOP’ers, that is!