Colbert On Romney’s Debate Challenge: Lack Of Bar Stool Experience | Talking Points Memo

President Obama did so poorly in the first presidential debate, the bar was set low for his second performance this week, Stephen Colbert said. Romney, on the other hand, had a much greater challenge. The town hall debate stage would be set with two bar stools, and Romney, a Mormon, doesn’t have a lot of experience drinking at bars.“Only people who drink know how to sit on stools,” Colbert said Wednesday. “That’s why whenever you see someone successfully sitting on one, that is an early sign of alcoholism. The guy falling off the stool, that’s your designated driver. That’s why last night’s debate, it was such a challenge for Mitt, lack of stool experience. Where would Mitt have seen one? His kitchen counter? Everybody knows the Romney family eats standing at podiums.”

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