CNN: Pentagon Approves Nat’l Guard Deployment To DC For Pro-Trump Protests | Talking Points Memo

If the (Democratic) Mayor asked for the help, I don’t think there’s a sinister motive here. How it turns out in effect though, I can’t predict.


It is very likely that the NG will be there to handle crowd control and resources…they aren’t going to be armed so it’s unlikely they will directly confront protestors. DC police will probably be leading that, there’s no indication in the media that the real instigators of the riot in June (Bureau of Prisons officers and others) will be around.

It would be a very good idea to leave the asshats to themselves this time around…when Trump is finally declared the loser by Congress they will become unhinged, and you can bet they will prowl the streets through the night looking for anyone they can beat. That just might include random people walking down the street…Trump’s unhinged supporters are going to be out for blood after Trump is kicked to the curb and his coup fails.




New law says they all have to be identified or wear identification, so the cowardly part is now illegal. Law was passed as part of the Defense Reauth act.


Oh that redhead is going to get such a sunburn.


I don’t know about the wisdom of having the military and the Pentagon doing policing against law abiding protesters. However, I can see the Pentagon handling issues related to the efforts by the Trump Organization and the Republican Party to have martial law and inciting a coup. Mike Flynn, Tom McInerney, Scott O’Grady and Dan Crenshaw have called for martial law and the overthrow the election results and so the threat is real and ought to be taken seriously.

The CG and TAG are both African American. I’d bet a dollar that 50 percent of the rank and file are as well. Lol…

Live ammo. Aim for their guts, You can’t miss with these fat slobs.

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Oh, don’t I know that feeling! Couldn’t sleep on my back for 3 days! A totally clueless 15 year old in a bikini on Ft. Lauderdale Beach.


Bring your Bic lighters for the big YMCA number after dark. Organizers are going old-school all the way!


Looking at their bios I see they’re both MP/MI guys, blus the TAG is from my old Alma Mater - he’s a COUG!

Based on that meme your comment could be interpreted in a manner you may not have intended

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Um, they don’t exactly look like that[quote=“kilgoretrout, post:18, topic:202086, full:true”]

Proud Boy planned to go on the lam in Fire Island…

image-asset (2)

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Then they’d best hope Mayor Bowser’s bark is worse than her bite.

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Who, ME? :innocent: :innocent: