Clyburn Suggests Someone Within US Capitol Was ‘Complicit’ In Letting Mob Inside | Talking Points Memo

“You can’t argue with a sick mind.” ~ Joe Walsh


There were. At least one of the folks arrested needed a russian interpreter at his arraignment.


50, isn’t 75 the standard?

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Quelle surprise!


That lesson wasn’t lost on many Americans, actually.


They seemed to not care about surveillance. Almost as if they thought they would succeed and that concern would stop. There seemed to be little forethought to a true plan B.

My opinion, something at least for the spear tip did not go the way they thought. For us, something went right. That might be the defense of the senators and reps. And the other thing I find interesting, if they had inside help, it was noted they were looking for the congress folk. They sequestered well. That inside help seemed to not identify where. So there is a disconnect there as well.


If I were Biden I’d opt for a very small inauguration not in the public. Put it on the failure of the security forces and the virus. Then clean house. I’d fire about the top three tiers of leadership in the police and whoever is supposedly doing intel. I hate to increase your hat size but you’ve been telling everyone for some time to expect something big on Wed. Why couldn’t they see it?


As far as I’m tracking, per the FOIA, almost everything theoretically has to be declassified at 50 years (that’s why there was so much “excitement” around the 50th anniversary of Poppa Cruz’s assassination of Kennedy. And yet they used some of the exceptions to keep big parts of that secret), the 75 year rule is for HUMINT stuff that reveals individual sources.


We do, but we also have an intact Democracy after a failed attempt to overthrow it. It’s important to show that to the rest of the country and the rest of the world. There should still be a public event, outdoors, with suitable pandemic and security precautions. But Biden has to show that he’s not afraid and the Capitol is secure.

Life goes on, Trump’s insurrection failed, and here is your new President being sworn in, out in public view and not hiding in a bunker. That said, I think maybe Kamala doesn’t have to be there, and should be in a secondary location.


Maybe I am typing too fast.

I never wanted to see the halls of our govt. desecrated, but nothing will ever erase the images that those who did it - so foully - were republican voters. Most times we don’t have so much footage, and basically nothing a liberal could do, say, or show would ever do the damage to Rs and Chump, as what the insurrectionists did that day to their own cause.

I know it turned the stomach of even staunch RWers. Almost nothing else would have, since they were willing to stomach everything else Chump and Comp. have wrought.

No, it was horrible to see. But mostly boiled down to vandalism. I can live with vandalism if it discredits the entire RW, brings Chump down, and ends the careers of most of his lieutenants and elected enablers. Compared to a bunch of lynchings or innocent deaths at the hands of RW mobs…their vandalism is pretty small change. It also ERASES all the crap Chump and Bill Barr did calling LW demonstrators ‘animals’, and pulls the rug out from under any RWer who wanted to wail about Law and Order, Antifa, BLM, etc.


Absolutely not. It’s imperative now more than ever that the Inauguration go forward as planned at the front of the Capitol Building.

Him swearing in from anywhere else would be taken as a symbol that the insurrectionists won.

Just like Nancy took her folks right back into the chambers to finish business, the symbolism of being in control is important.


One of the insurrectionists has claimed that Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, and Mo Brooks (all GOP House members) were in on the planning.
Unproven, of course—but I wouldn’t be a bit surprised to find it to be true, given the aggressive stupidity of those three shining examples of the GOP “elite.”


They did. Everyone did. Every fed I know in the area had received mass e-mails and such advising folks who could avoid D.C. to do so. Washington Post had articles up touting the same.

That’s why there are all these questions around, that it was so obvious to the unclassified and public side of things, the only explanations for the other side of the government not being prepared are not good.


Absolutely and there simply won’t be a leg to stand on to argue otherwise.


I totally agree with that.


He better have a full NG unit surrounding the area and controlling who gets with in half a mile of the place. I see your point. I just never thought a public inauguration was a good idea.


Besides, the security already planned for the inauguration is impressive, and now it will be stepped up even further.
Anyone who even farts near the West Front of the Capitol that day will be arrested within seconds.


You’ve repeated this notion a number of times. It may be inaccurate and misleading.

Ema O’Connor
[Jan 7]

Correction: The woman who needed a Russian translator was Yevgemya Malimon, 54, who was arrested with her daughter Kristina Malimon, 28. A previous tweet incorrectly stated that Kristina needed the translator, I only heard the last name.

Ema O’Connor

[Jan 7]

Yevgemya Malimon was released and allowed to return to OR pending her trail. She was banned from DC. Her daughter, Kristina Malimon, who was also arrested yesterday, seems to be the vice chairwoman of Young Republicans Oregon.

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If Biden were relatively new to national government this might be the only option. But it’s not the first rodeo for him and his people, and they may be able to work with people they trust and put together something where the attendees are safe. Have to stress that trust part. I certainly doubt that large numbers of supremacist morons will march on the site in serried ranks, AR-15s on their shoulders. But beyond that they need to be watching every fool out there and nabbing them like Tarrio once they come off the Beltway. If they can’t do that then yeah, keep it secure. I don’t need the symbolism; I need a president I trust. Stay safe, Joe.


Anyone who even farts near the West Front of the Capitol that day will be arrested within seconds.

I guess you’re going to be a no show then.

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