Clyburn Suggests Someone Within US Capitol Was ‘Complicit’ In Letting Mob Inside | Talking Points Memo

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Thankfully, now, she is at peace with herself. A fitting conclusion to a wasted life.

Same. Would have made it crystal clear to the point that even MoscowMitch would have had to admit that the insurrection was mounted and directed and executed at the order of the president.


Nor me. You choose to do stupid things, you’d better be prepared for the consequences.


I agree that your scenario is possible. But I have twice seen massive crowds disburse once the cops show they mean business by forming up and fixing their weapons. The crowds I was in quickly got the hell out of dodge rather than risk injury or worse. I’m sure there were also those who held their ground, but from the masses of fleeing folks, I’m pretty sure the numbers moved significantly in the cops favor. I could be wrong, but even in this case, once the police showed it was real and woman was shot, a whole bunch of rioters turned and fled. So, I believe a whole lot of weekend insurrectionists would have fled rather than face arrest, injury or death, and even the cops on scene would have been able prevent the sacking that resulted. Hopefully we won’t get to test my theory on Jan. 20th.


I get so fucking tired of the excuses and the attempts at lying “nuance” and at the GOP “better angels.”

Fuck every bit of it. Our Capitol building was invaded by people who wanted to kidnap and/or kill our leaders. I’m personally pretty sick of Liberal leaders getting assassinated. In my lifetime, there have been way too goddamn many.


Whereas prosthetic eyes, lip gloss and a nose ring are more what one would expect.


There’s no telling what sent her over to the dark side. Could be as simple as her friends and/or boyfriend were radical MAGAts and she got sucked into it. Maybe she was initially compelled by the #SaveTheChildren aspect and Or it could be that her ex left her for a Mexican woman.

Well, you can never take the tomboy out of the girl…or something something. :rofl: :rofl:


@rockitttla and @c_stedman and some others…

I really sympathize and agree with the idea that anyone trying to force entry would legitimately deserved to be shot, and that govt. would be within their rights to do it. I also agree completely that when Rs want to terrorize D demonstrators…they make sure they have overwhelming force and directives to their troops to crack skulls and make mass arrests.

But, I do believe how things played out was wonderful for Ds and horrible for Rs. Mass skull-crackings and shootings would have made a Martyr Movement. For the most part, they would have been killed and injured before they did anything all that horrible. Instead, with the exception of the wounded police and 1 dead policeman, only one insurrectionist was killed in the sanctum sanctorum and Rs covered themselves with shame which will live for decades.


Failure. Lack is too wobbly. Someone failed. For whatever reason. Deliberate? Clueless? It was a complete failure.

Now that it has been said plainly, I am waiting to see what develops on this. I can think of 5 individuals I would scrutinize closely. 3 in the house. 2 in the senate.


Those dudes turned around and went back down the stairs. They did not secure the Speaker’s Lobby.

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And the law agrees.


I see your point but I don’t think there is anything wonderful about what happened. I see it point Democrats.I think we’re about to find out just how fucking stupid America is.


Because the reinforcements were there and they needed to clear the space for the folks who had the armor and toys that could take out the mass of protesters if needed.

There is absolutely nothing to find fault with in that whole encounter. You have a big mass of protesters, a simple Glock ain’t cutting it if the crowd rushes you, you need the bigger bang-bangs. Those arrived, the people who didn’t have the big bang-bangs made space for them to come to the front.


Wonderful. Not sure about that choice of words. But advantageous in correcting the tilt the world has suddenly taken.

The next go around, it will be warranted. The precedent has been made that these people are not there for peaceful protest. Commonsense says do not do this again. And since this is leading up to a new president and vice president, the stakes are just as high. The message should be made, you are not a martyr, just a damn idiot if you get yourself killed. An empty death.


There are a number of serious questions about this incident and it’s vital that they be investigated and I trust that’s happening now. We’re seeing people getting arrested by the FBI. But there are also questions rippling outward from what happened there in those hours, questions about complicity that go far beyond the Capitol Police. I don’t want to opine on whether X happened or Y happened. As you say, we’re not there yet. Some of this may be classified for a long time. I just hope the good guys are working hard on this and have enough traction to keep everything tight until the cavalry arrives.


You vastly underestimate the stupidity of anyone who’d be on the inside and on the side of Trump and the mob.


Enabled by the anemic response from the cops even once reinforcements arrived, that everyone could see them peacefully letting insurrectionists just saunter out of the building and walk away, rather than kettling them and ordering everyone onto the ground for a mass round-up, at a minimum.

White supremacist America just got a very good reinforcement of the notion that rules don’t apply to them.


Imagine, if you will, that in addition to “Y’all Kida” there were employees of any of several hostile foreign powers embedded in that mob. We know that many Legislators and staffers abandoned their desk quickly, and left behind electronics and computing resources. While the yokels may have been utterly careless about being identified, I’d imagine actual professionals would not be.


Some of this will go the full 50 years.