Clyburn Suggests Someone Within US Capitol Was ‘Complicit’ In Letting Mob Inside | Talking Points Memo

The military has transition programs. The no-lifers tend not to use them, however…

And with only a few exceptions, everybody mentally checks out the day their retirement is approved. (I on the other hand, worked until 1700 on my last day on active duty, I locked the building up, and signed out to start my post military career (DoD contractor in the same office.)

The real issue is that since most of them haven’t dealt regularly with life off-post since they were teenagers, they really have trouble understanding how much society changed in that 20 - 30 year time period.


The Big Fuck up was “Reinforcements”

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Oh. hahahaha Well i do recall that you wanted to climb that tree. hahahahahahahahahaha


Meh, kinda impossible. If it’s identified as a Fascist, then clearly they were undercover AntiFa, pretending to be a fascist to infiltrate the right-wing.

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Good summation!

I got a couple of hour class about making a resume and job hunting (Transistion Assitance Program TAP). Not word fucking one about mental health assistance.

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You must have retired a very, very long time ago.

I retired 12 years ago, and it was a 12 month process. Mental health was a major component of it.

Then that would have been OK with me. Keep angry terrorists out the Capitol Building at all costs. I’d rather see footage of dead terrorists that the images of what they did inside the building. Those images are just encouragement for future riots.
Total failure of intelligence and police in my opinion.


Again, I respect Castor’s argument. I saw the whole video, just as Castor did. I saw the protesters tell the 3 cops they were going to break in and ask them to walk away. I saw the 3 cops walk away before there were reinforcements to take their place. I did not see any video of reinforcements securing the Speaker’s Lobby. Instead, I saw the alleged “reinforcements” walk down the steps and never even attempt to secure the Speaker’s Lobby. And I saw that there was no need to fire a shot until the 3 cops abandoned their post securing the Speaker’s Lobby. So, again, I understand that there are those who will defend LEOs, but I can not defend the conduct of these 3 officers. They need to be fired.


Oh, I don’t mean to say they shouldn’t have done it. They absolutely should have prevented the breach with lethal force.

I was merely commenting on the likely numbers, given the multiple invasion points.


Oh C’mon. Yes, if they had hundreds and hundreds of defenders with a proper plan and ways of carting off the arrested…maybe. But there was nothing, short of machine guns, that the puny force was going to do that would have reversed what those insurrectionists came to DC to do. They had been planning for weeks, came geared up to do it, bought plane tickets, lied to their bosses, even had insider help and elected officials joining them.

The way it was, they would have run out of handcuffs and zip ties and while they were doing that…gaping holes in their lines.


There weren’t enough cops - lack of planning - to really arrest them. Clyburn said staffing was like an ordinary work day.


skeet skeet.

One of my favorite things Chappelle ever said was that if white people ever figure out what skeet means, there is going to be trouble.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Get low hahahahaha


As George Takei would say: “Oh, my!”



I asked you a legitimate question and you respond with more fluff. We saw what we saw. You have access to the same information I do. This isn’t some grand mystery. Trump always commits his crimes in broad daylight. Now, that may be confounding to you that he’s able to do that but here we are.

If a tornado wiped out your house and family you’d probably have a hard time believing it at first, but reality is persistent. It is what it is and the sooner we accept that fact, the quicker we will be able to confront and fix the problem. Denial of reality is not an effective means of survival.

I got home from Afghanistan, turned in gear, read out, and outprocessed in 2009. I chilled in GA for a week, then Ft. Bragg for another week.

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Dudes with the body armor and the rifles that got there seconds after the insurrectionist was shot.

And what securing could the other three have done? They were outside, it was barricaded from inside. They had nowhere to go, too close in the mix with the invaders to use weapons even if they did have sidearms on them. Making a tactical move to the side for a few seconds was the only right call.

And proven by how smoothly it went after that. With a cleared field of fire, the agent inside the barricade was free to take down invaders as needed.


Seems to me multiple entries were allowed. Clyburn suggests “someone” was complicit. Looks to me as though a dozen or more police were letting these n00bs in where they did not belong and the crowd took every advantage. I mean good god… cops took selfies with these people. I have seen video of three or four cops pulling a fence apart to let people in.
“Someone” indeed.

Nevertheless all of the mayhem, trashing, broken windows, injured cops and random people and the 5 dead are ALL due to trump and he must pay the piper for this. This shit was his reality show. He wanted this riot. He reveled in it. HE himself is the one responsible. Those other people who spoke at the rally on the Ellipse before trump did should also be subject to criminal indictment. It’s the right thing to do.


Exactly. Who do people imagine the zip tie guys were looking for?


What ever the number of dead terrorists it would have been fine with me. I’m only disappointed that the Secret Service was able to keep trump away from the scene. Had he been there and who knows how many had died he’d be sitting in a cell today…or at least not a threat.