I’m good with literally, also, too.
This should be unnecessary. After Sen. Manchin just watched Rand Paul screech about how the RepubliQans should throw out Sen. Collins and Murkowski because they put the country over the party in the Insurrection vote - he will sober up and realize that NO RepubliQan is ever going to vote for ANYTHING President Biden tries to do.
Any second now - it will sink in…any second now.
If the gerrymandered, Republican-dominated legislatures of states like Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona (backed up with 6-3 and 5-4 right-wing SCOTUS majorities) get away with shenanigans like interfering with voting and vote-counting in the 2022 elections, there won’t be enough new Democratic senators and representatives elected to keep either house. And the same thing goes Democrats holding the White House in 2024 (no matter what popular-vote majorities Biden/Harris might run up).
Yes, the TPM headline utilizes the word but the article does not quote Clyburn using it.
In fact, Clyburn did not use it.
The filibuster in its old form may have been a useful tool to prevent the majority from squelching dissent. Today, in its painless form it has become a tool wielded like an ax by the opposition to stop anything they don’t like. It’s past time for it to go. Tradition isn’t everything.
A long time ago I had a black sergeant who explained me to me.
I never knew, or have known, anyone who could deal with people with out raising his voice.
There is, to me, a special place in our world for black women and men who have paid a price and still made it. I think you may call it wisdom.
I have read that, for the most part, Mancin is all they have in his state. Despite his antics, Dems somehow feel fortunate to have him. That’s a bizarre scenario that needs to change. It might be time for the party to get more involved there; Abrams style. But that would make Mancin go coo koo. What a dilemma. Clyburn has his work cut out for him.
I think President Biden should write up a revision to the infrastructure bill that cuts out about 3/4 of the funds designated for WV and redirects them to AK. Then send the message with the draft revision attached to Manchin: “Senator, tomorrow morning I’m going to have to forward this to Senator Murkowski and ask her support for reforming the filibuster so AK can get the infrastructure help it needs. I’m really sorry to have to do this. Love, Joe.”
That gives Manchin a few hours to consider the implications.
Kinda hard in the pandemic; masks, gloves…
Wouldn’t work.
Manchin talks to corporations. Sinema talks to the voices in her head.
I hope he uses the proverbial ‘2x4’ to get his attention first💀
What type of mask if Rep Clyburn wearing - I’ve never seen a 3M N95 mask like that.
Clyburn went on to point out that restrictive election measures aren’t solely restricted to Georgia as a growing amount of states have proposed legislation limiting voting access.
“Georgia is just the one that is taking it to finality. But these thoughts are being expressed in other states as well,” Clyburn said. “And they know full well that these are ways to suppress voters, to keep people from exercising their rights.”
As a Texan I can attest to this.
We’re like Georgia but get way less press.
We had two people in NC and ME who squandered their chances for the Senate, both in different ways…
The former for foolishness, the latter for bad campaign decisions.
Those were two huge Senate disappointments last November
Even seasoned political analysts on this site were taken by surprise.
52/48 would have looked great…
I recommend a Louisville Slugger …
If Manchin is convinced to rethink his position on modifying the rules to pass HR1, Sinema will follow and give the decision her trademark cutesy curtsy and a coy little Arizona-style thumbs up.
voting rights bill
It’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when the filibuster goes away.
—Harry Reid, 2021
It’s time to end inequality.
It absolutely 100% will work.
We had two people in NC and ME who squandered their chances for the Senate, both in different ways…
My guy here in NC, Cal Cunningham, a former state rep with the perfect resume as a 'pub or conservative ‘D’, has a consistent 3-4% lead for at least two months. And he’s up against 1st term Sen Tillis, as lame a senator as one could imagine (was against restaurant employees being mandated to wash their hands) and who’s only claim to fame is his previous expertise in gerrymandering.
But good old Cal gets caught sexting with girlfriend (forgot to mention Cal has a family), goes into hiding, no fundraising events, and loses. Of course this all came out two days after I sent his campaign $50.
You’re so right.
Let’s see. The Senate is an antiquated, undemocratic institution, so these fights really only matter for the side that has the power to drag down the law-making function. My sense is that this summer will not be so much about infrastructure or “opening up” as what is happening in Ukraine.
A couple days ago there was an interview with Alex Vindman on the Lawfare podcast. Very worthwhile in understanding how Russia needs to reshape the international order for its own prosperity. As Vindman notes, now most Americans can find Ukraine on a map thanks to the Trump impeachment, but that’s about it. Soon, however, we may know more than we ever wanted to know about the country that brought us Gogol and Chernobyl.