Clarence Thomas Was A More Frequent Flyer On Harlan Crow Air Than We Knew

These are some trashy people, amirite?

Rich cranks, duller than dishwater. Supreme wastes of time.

Same with the gop teams in the House and Senate, apparachiks, opportunists and thieves.

Time was, we had a better class of criminals.

Alas, no more.



Of course, I am wondering like lots of others if Crow has disclosed all that he provided Thomas. That is, like Thomas, like Crow.

I would guess the better chance is that more comes out later that was not disclosed than nothing more comes out.


I am watching this reporting of ProPublica’s Justin Elliot right at this moment on Chris Hayes’ show, All In, on MSNBC. I absolutely love this networked bunch of people!

Ty Ty to ProPublica. You are real journalistic heroes, and that is why I support you! Ty Ty to Chris Hayes, who I support by watching and appreciating your presence and your show All In on MSNBC. And Ty Ty to TPM, for somehow pulling all these connections together.

It really feels to me like I am just one small part (audience/recipient) of a networked group of really dedicated, intelligent, and gifted people, who are on the side of things I deeply value in politics, governance, and, indeed, in an examined life worth living!

I bow deeply to you all!

:pray:t3: :pray:t3: :pray:t3:


But you not, here, in this case. :wink:


The American Cultural Revolution continues apace.


Or Howard Taft. Who had to be buried in a piano box. Serious Truth.


The Good Old Days weren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

(Great movie, BTW.)


Than we will EVER know…

People should aspire to be Justices of the Supreme Court because they have a commitment to equal justice under the law. Clarence Thomas aspired to be a Justice of the Supreme Court because he was committed to being equally as privileged as people who are rich, and chose to be just as insensitive and just as racist as they are. If you make a deal with the devil, the devil will have his due.


That cat gives me more of a William Howard Taft vibe:


“All of them, Katie.”


Old Clarence sure forgets a lot of shit that you’d think a guy who grew up poor in Pin Point, Georgia
would find memorable, doesn’t he?


“Watters describes Trump meeting with Republicans as a total love fest.”

“It was a cocaine-fueled orgy.”



Given how often he vacations with Harlan Crow, maybe not. All the trips to Bali blend together by now.

But by the same token, at some point surely he must assume that there was a trip even if he can’t remember it. For example, I can no longer remember brushing my teeth on the morning of June 13, 1998, but I still assume I did, and would probably testify so if pressed, because I almost always do brush my teeth in the morning.

I guess it’s just like Timothy Synder says: Thomas isn’t affected by things the way us mortals are, and he’s never become jaded by two human lives worth of vacations.

I wonder if his alcohol tolerance also stays magically low no matter how much of the good stuff his sugar daddies pour down his gullet…


Justin Elliot used to be at TPM, back when we all were younger. Josh has had a really outsize influence on the field, hasn’t he.


Cool! – I seem to have forgotten that. That’s the connection, I’ll bet. Good on Josh. He’s like our Godfather!


America is a wonderful country. A country where a middling law school grad can go from being rejected by numerous law firms, but blaming affirmative action rather than his own mediocre abilities, to latching on to a fascist faction that needed a black front man and wangling a nomination to the Supreme Court to replace one of the most learned black jurists.

What a country. How far the fascists have sunk us.


Well, it has been a while. Like, maybe Bush administration? Maybe early Obama? It seems like all my favorite journalists learned the trade here.


Let’s round upto 4.5 now.

And what a failure Durbin has been.
Republicans want to put all of us in jail, or worse, over nothing more than breathing. Surely, we can at least do oversight of the openly corrupt.
Do. Your. Job.

It’s not enough to tell us the juddicial emporers have no clothes. I want them paraded naked in the street to be mocked and ridiculed. Justice, like government, should also fear accountability.


He came out with a disclosure the other day that didn’t last 48 hours. Simple honesty is beyond Clarence Thomas. He needs to go.