That Donnie didn’t think he could win suggests he didn’t believe his lies about Biden’s senility.
Quite possible, but it also opens up a large box of questions about what else he has been perfectly conscious of but went ahead with anyone.
It is why I favor malice as an explanation of his behavior.
Watch them? I believe Wallace moderated one of them, didn’t he?
There is always malice.
The man who wrote the very first book about Trump wrote it about his deals - and it’s not the Art of the Deal - this preceded it. He said that in every single deal Donnie did there was always a perverse evil streak just for the hell of it. It turns him on.
Someone should tell “Janie” that she needs to change her last name to Rube or Ruble. Also ask how she keeps her hair blonde when her head is so deeply embedded up The Dotard’s ass.
People keep saying that about everything from the Covid numbers to his various scandals, but it’s never true. It ended the discussion for the moment. You can bet your last dollar that it most definitely will come up again and again whether he likes it or not.
The juxtaposition between the two couples probably provided the worst optics of the night. The Bidens looked like a couple who’d weathered some storms together and were each other’s biggest fans. The Trump’s looked like they’d just met on one of those reality shows where strangers meet and get married on the spot.
The NYT is not done with this. There is going to be more … then more …
I agree with Wallace. I have experience moderating similar events and Trump is what’s known in the trade as a “difficult respondent.” There are lots of ways to handle them and Wallace tried every one except
- Standing up and demanding order
- Throwing Trump out.
I wouldn’t recommend either tactic with the President of the US on live TV. Wallace tried to keep Trump from making an ass of himself, but he was determined and succeeded despite Wallace’s heroic efforts.
Nobody says it like you, plucky. hahahahahaha I can see her standing there still holding that single long stem sad rose.
Thanks. I remember that interview. The initial segment on love was … hilarious.
As for Rand’s wider “philosophy,” even ignoring the transcendent looniness, her “arguments” were ahistorical, self-contradictory, and fallacious.
Countless bales of straw were consumed – which was funny because she kept saying she wanted us to give pride of place to (wait for it) Reason.
I would, and more:
You know, I was going to declare that Chris Wallace was the Chairman & CEO of Antifa back in the Summer, but nooooooooo, I had to hold my tongue for fear of being called a QANON-er.
Now, it’s un-Fake News !
Alright…fine…he can have his faceholes back now…
Chris Wallace, if you had the cajones to stand up and tell Trump to stop being a boorish churl and debate like a real President, maybe you could have saved the day. Maybe I’d think you possessed a spine. But when the moments came to take action, you sat and did very little but tut-tut-tut silently to yourself, thereby enabling the continuation of the abuse of Biden, the American people and the democratic process. You really should be ashamed for yourself. If you had stood up to Trump and he dismissed your charges, you should have immediately halted the debate on the grounds that he was not debating. Period. End of Story. But you failed spectacularly to react like a courageous human being. I’ve known milquetoasts with more spine.
Trump - in your guts, you know he’s nuts.
Anyone with an ounce of history of abuse would have been able to see where things were going in the first five minutes of this shit show. jfc!
“In your anus, you know he’s heinous.”
I think the proper form is “No one could have predicted…”
Ended? Hardly.
Should make a nice chapter in his upcoming memoir, Profile in Cowardice.
Waiting for Biden to point out that “Not Paying Taxes” is just another term for “Defunding The Police”.