Chinese Foreign Ministry Rejects Trump’s Call For Biden Dirt | Talking Points Memo

The Chinese foreign ministry said Tuesday that is was rejecting President Donald Trump’s public call to provide dirt on Hunter Biden ahead of the 2020 election.

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Those Chinese foreign ministers…no sense of humor at all. :neutral_face:


“He’s pretty good at getting everybody fired up and he’s been doing that for a while and the media responded right on task,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) said Friday, asked about Trump’s comment.

Did no one (yes, professional journalists everywhere) think to ask Rubio if that’s an appropriate action for the president of the United States?


China did NOT take Trump’s solicitation to manufacture Biden dirt!

And that is the difference between Tax-Fraud Citizen Trump and Extortionist-In-Chief POTUS Trump when he JOKES!

People around the world listens and the danger is multiplied exponentially beyond his base, who are already very ready and willing to respond to his stochastic terrorism/inciting violence!


Well, they wouldn’t say it OPENLY.


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

(pulls out crystal ball)

When the Democrat wins next year, Team Shithead and his toadies will go wall-to-wall with “The Chinese colluded with the Democrat Party to steal the election!”

To quote the last 'pub occupant who won the EC but not the popular vote, “Yer either with us or against us.”


No trade deal for China.


Perhaps someone can ask Trump’s congressional enablers WHY they think it was obviously a joke. And what they will do now that it is apparent it was not a joke. Because implicit in their ‘joke’ assertion is the idea they’ve been resisting the whole time: the notion that it HAD to be a joke because otherwise it’s the POTUS openly asking a foreign adversary to interfere in an election. IE, the joke suggestion is incompatible with continued inaction. Oh wait…that would only matter to people not governed by hypocrisy.


As meaningless as a response from any similar professional…and covering 1001 situations.


“We have no intention of intervening in the domestic affairs of the United States,” foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told the South China Morning Post Tuesday morning. “Our position is consistent and clear,” he continued, adding, “we don’t give a damn who is in charge there as long as we are able to continue exfiltrating sensitive information by the terrabyte and the rubes in the United States continue to live beyond their means and buy shit from the PRC.”


The problem with being President Criminal in your dealings with foreign governments is that they will use it as leverage against you (and the US). China will just use this as leverage to put additional pressure on Trump, and how Trump is really caught. Having made this request, if he goes hard on the Chinese, expect them to keep saying that the reason why their is a trade was is that Trump asked them for favors, and they can’t give them as they believe in “non-interfearence in other countries internal affairs” and expect them to only agree to a really, really bad deal, knowing that Trump is in deep trouble and wants a “win” to help him (in Trump’s mind) avoid going to prison.

All the leverage is now in the Chinese side…


Why would China want to help President Trade War? He is a moron for thinking it possible they would.

Though of course the public invitation was merely an attempt to claim that what he did in Ukraine was legal.


“Yes, well, about Trump’s admitting it all; that is a bit of bad luck, but perhaps people won’t notice or we can work around it.”

High-level Trump supporters who have stood by the president for years are growing increasingly unsettled by his latest strategy of dismissing the latest fight as Russia 2.0. Half-a-dozen senior Republicans, including those who both talk directly to Trump and advise him on everything from campaign strategy to policy, communications and fundraising, said in interviews that they fear the president’s plan to tie Russia and Ukraine could be ineffective because it dismisses the seriousness of the allegations and the fact that he admitted his actions.


So China’s vote is “anybody but 45” in the next election?


Oh, I don’t know … I thought this one was pretty good:

“China has long pursued the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries,” foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said on Tuesday.

Of course, the joke is on the Tibetans, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and the Taiwanese, among others.


In that sense, their politicians are little different from ours.


Yah well the Chinese have figured out who’s going to be in control of the government here beginning January 2021.


Marco Rubio should go ask the Kurds how they feel about their joke.


My Trumptardian sister-in-law goes into full stroke-mode when you point out that “its only a joke” only gets rolled out after a comment turns out to be embarrassing to Trump or his base. Until then its Official Doctrine.