That’s exactly what should be happening, no disagreement. And the Chinese government needs to be a lot more open than they have been about it.
I hope you never, ever look into the sheer number and lax security of deadly viruses and and other highly infectious diseases that reside in USAMRIID, University, and Pharmaceutical Labs throughout the USA.
It will scare the living shit out of you (especially the documented lapses in security and the fact that none of these places can pass an audit of what they do and don’t have in their labs.)
So, those who live in Glass Houses…
Meh, seems like they have them under control.
so did the Chinese.
Probably so! The wet market seems like the much likelier source, given that 27 of the first 41 cases had direct ties to the market.
Not arguing with you on that.
Yet, there are “Wet Markets” all over the planet, especially where there is little refrigeration and poor food distribution. In most places they exist, it’s the only way for poor people to access animal protein, and much MUCH safer than the dodgy food distribution available to them.
It is just hubris and arrogance that we feel we have some god-given right to tell others that they should either get their food like us “Civilized” people do, from a Grocery Store, or they should starve to keep US safe.
BTW - We have “Wet Markets” right here in the USA, we just call them; “Fish Markets”, or “Farmers Markets” or “Steaks from the back of a Truck at the local Truck Stop.”
Those who live in Glass Houses…
Nope, screw that. Those Chinese wet markets are a health and safety disaster, and their wild animal trade caters almost exclusively to members of the Chinese upper class who superstitiously believe a bunch of wild and provably false shit about the magic medicinal qualities of the animals they consume. That’s a garbage practice from top to bottom, and it ain’t cultural imperialism to say so.
Ever been in a US Slaughterhouse? I used to go to college right across the street from one.
The stench and layers of animal fat deposited on my car from their smokestacks each day nauseated me (but at least kept the acid rain from the smokestacks from eating the paint right off my car.)
Ever eaten venison? Beach Lunch? Live Lobster?
Sure you have. Enjoy your false sense of superiority over those you don’t know and will never meet.
Likewise, I wish you well in all your smugness.
Beat me to it. Just because China probably ‘caused’ this, and Chump totally screwed the pooch and wants to blame China…doesn’t let China off the hook. Just the same, it doesn’t let Chump off the hook either.
They don’t cater to exclusively to the upper class. Pretty much everyone in China uses them at some time. If they’re poorer just not as frequently but on special occasions they like a tasty treat also. They closed them for a time after SARS and found that closing them actually exacerbated all the problems they wished to stop as the trade went underground avoiding all regulation. Finally what people eat regularly has more to do with what they are accustomed to eating than superstition.
It seems to me that yes they have been warning about this for decades…and they always knew which 3-4 places it was almost certain to come from.
I lectured on this subject at a grand rounds six years ago - one of the slides I used was the second image from The Lancet 2012; 380:1956-1965
Slaughtering animals on-site, spreading blood, shit, and other bodily fluids all over the workers interacting with the buyers, as well as the other animals waiting around to be slaughtered, is a goddamned health and safety disaster. My comment on the wild animal trade probably should have been limited to the exotic wild animal trade, but so limited, it stands. Pangolin is a luxury item that is purchased and consumed by rich assholes who believe dumb shit about their magic kidney powers, not by the proles driving the buses.
When the CCP keeps repeating the desire for cooperation, they are not asking for cooperation. They are telling other nations and international what to do and, principally, to overlook their own failures in this matter
Science and fact-based info mean nothing to a mindset open to conspiratorial thinking.
In times of severe societal stress, rumors, conspiracy theories, & urban legend metastasize into a 4th stage cancer. I’ve said before, we’re back to Social Psych 101.
The scientific facts of these matters are complex to be sure. I myself have only a conceptual comprehension. Nevertheless, facts are all we have to fight this destructive social phenomenon.
In another life, I had a great deal of business and social interaction with Chinese here and abroad. They would say that they themselves don’t believe this or that superstition, but their parents – or uncle or grandpa – does and they’re merely indulging those family members out of courtesy. Yeah, right.
The CCP calls on all nations to cooperate to solve the pandemic; on the other hand, from the article:
“The Chinese government, meanwhile, has put a total lockdown on information related to the virus origins. Beijing has yet to provide U.S. experts with samples of the novel coronavirus collected from the earliest cases. The Shanghai lab that published the novel coronavirus genome on Jan. 11 was quickly shut down by authorities for “rectification.” Several of the doctors and journalists who reported on the spread early on have disappeared.”
every time i eat venison , it makes me sick…haven’t eaten any in long time. i knew a man in TENN, who hunted animals all over the country…every year…he had a wild meat dinner…i do not eat BBQ, as i think the sauce covers up the possible spoiled meat.
BBQ was invented to cover up the poor quality of the meat it was used on, and as a method of PRESERVING (and tenderizing) meats for long periods (i.e. smoking at a low temp for many hours.)
Over the years it has morphed into a “trendy” way to add flavor to high-quality meats that were never available to the originators (just like how French Peasant Food from the mid-19th century is now $250/plate in 5 star restaurants.)
BTW - I LOVE me some good BBQ and Soul Food.