Cheney: GOP Can Turn Corner From Trump By Rejecting Extremism Behind Capitol Attack | Talking Points Memo

So a very fleeting pain, eh?


Liz, how are you going to get the Murdochs’ and Koch’s propaganda machines to go along with you?

Until you come up with a plan for that, you’re just pissing in the wind, and as a woman you don’t do that well.


Cheney: GOP Can Turn Corner From Trump By Rejecting Extremism Behind Capitol Attack

Or, OR, and hear me out on this, we could double down on Trump by embracing extremism, anti-Semitism, nativism, anti-elitism, the Confederacy, and everything else that will rile up our white, racist base. What to do, what to do…


You ain’t neither.



Murdoch, Talk Radio, RWNJ propaganda exacerbated the country’s faultlines already existent and made them worse.

Then Gingrich
Then McConnell
Then Trump

You want a return to the so-called non-extreme days? Start with people like Dwight Eisenhower, the 1970s Republicans who had the courage to level with Nixon…the Press before Reagan ruined the Fairness Doctrine.

This is just for starters.


Liz, how are you going to get the Murdochs’ and Koch’s propaganda machines to go along with you?

Until you come up with a plan for that, you’re just pissing in the wind, and as a woman you don’t do that well.

F*ck you you f#cking f$ck

when a left of center mob storms a government building WITH THE APPROVAL AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF POTUS
then we can talk about both parties


OT and holy fuck


Change to Commenting Permissions Starting May 1st.

Cool. I will no longer be commenting after May 1st or frequenting this site, period.

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Racist fucks uncomfortable associating with racist fuck party.

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Read the room, honey. They were just greeting Biden with flowers!

Subtext: “and turn back to the kind of extremism I’ve stood for my whole genetically transmitted public life.”


She is trying to herd HER wild cats.

She did vote to impeach.

Give her some credit.

Patriot act. 9.11

Only Bernie voted against.

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It has turned very nasty here Archie.

Wow. You have not been backpacking with women have YOU? Lower to ground liquid streams don’t blow.

Ignoring the police trial is a major mistake by TPM. It will determine much of Biden’s agenda. DAILY KOS gets that. Bloggers are covering it for no pay.

Sex scandals by 1 repub in HOUSE really are unimportant in comparison.

It is particularly bad on a cellphone.

Another real problem of this site.

No one is paying attention to the housekeeping.

No, Republicans can’t. There is no way to rebuild the trust that has been lost from the bloody insurrection which was televised for hours on 1/6/21. Every so called conservative principle was exposed as a lie that day. Once the Reagan Democrats die, there will be no new recruits to the violent, anti-democracy measures your GOP legislatures are passing…which you are still supporting even though you say you don’t like it.

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