Between the two of them, they couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time. And their thoughts are news!?
It’s like something out of a French film, trophy wife of older man falls into an affair with hot young son. Somebody eventually murders someone out of jealous rage, but I’m still working on it.
Just a reminder, Uday and Qusay; You share DNA with a dumb fuck who thinks the Kansas City Chiefs are from Kansas, and tweets bullshit, insults, and conspiracy theories hundreds of times a day instead of doing his job.
As sure as the sun will rise, the Trumps will engage in projection. This, along will the racism and misogyny, is their most regular move. So, throwing accusations of incompetence and corruption–from the Trump family! Let us call this projection clearly and unequivocally.
Those boys love information vacuums.
As likely, it’s to create the bothsidesism they need to dismiss irregularities in the vote if they win.
…if they win.
Gives me the willies just to read those words.
Junior’s so dumb he married the ex-girlfriend of a Latin Kings gangbanger.
It gets worse.
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo) “You’d be surprised how many members of the Senate say, ‘The Kansas City Chiefs have to be in Kansas, right?’”
Gangsters are her weakness.
As if it weren’t obvious.
Assholery personified…
“Alleged WB”
I thought umpire Roberts ruled he couldn’t reveal the name.
53 would be my guess.
Maybe a Dem should follow him with a large placard emblazoned with Paul’s social-security number?
Mommy issues?
Other states have caucuses and this bull-puckey does not happen. It seems to me Iowa has some kind of ‘myth of the foursquare farm voter’ and they just DO NOT KNOW HOW TO RUN WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
This is different from the Nevada caucus which actually seems to run well…hell, they have caucuses in Idaho and Montana and this crap does not happen.
And Junior saying ‘Biden votes are coming in from Florida’ is idiotic: there are no votes. Just warm bodies walking around a gymnasium.
BUT they can’t run this right? STOP IT. LAST time they had to flip coins because it was all too close in at least 20 precincts and by chance ‘most’ went to HRC and of COURSE it was all a conspiracy even if nobody did anything. The Bernie people were primed to believe it.
That ass whoopin taught him nothing.
Roberts is about as useful as an inflamed appendix.
But she cranked out five trumPP spawn so it’s okay.