Cemetery Staffer Declines To Press Charges For Fear Of Retaliation

The same Christian jerk who demands his wife submit to his domination is the same Christian jerk who demands America submit to his domination. America can do better than be dominated by jerks.


And, too many of the “gatekeepers” were there letting this gangsta motorcade onto the grounds of the Cemetery, and to Section 60, before this woman ever saw them. You don’t think there were people on the “inside” that were really fine with this happening? One of the first things I said was to get Bob Quackenbush, the Deputy to the Director of the Cemetery Grounds, a PR guy, on the hotseat. And the first thing I did was send off a nice “mush for brains” letter to the Executive Director, who reports directly to the Secretary of the Army. Now, I’m sure the latter two, both women, were never asked their opinion or permission to allow this travesty.

And of course there are plenty of armed Military Police around who could have put a stop to all of this in very short order. They train constantly in crowd control, rude visitors, and also in the “gunnery” or range. You know that if the grounds worker called “the cops” she would not be following protocol. They are called M.P.s This is, after all, a Military Facility.

Send The Convicted Felon and his thugs to Leavenworth – that’s my suggestion. I’m sure they have an adequate golf course, but he won’t get away with cheating.


Thank you for your patriotic activism. The least I can do is write my rep and senators. This is a coverup.


Thank you. If you’d :wink: like to, google the Arlington National Cemetery and go to the Executive Director page; she has a direct reply and would love to hear from all of us. It took me about four minutes to find and write her a message. (just less than 500 words). It works, and believe me, the more comments the better our chances of getting this HEARD!

Jamie Rasking in the House has requested the Department of the Army to respond to this travesty and desecration of this, the Nation’s MOST SOMBER Cemetery. So, yes, write your Rep, too.

I dashed off both a phone call and an e-mail to my Senators, too. They know me by my name and telephone number. I communicate with them quite often…


No, she is the Exectutive Director of the Arlington National Cemetry, and reports directly to the Secretary of the Army. The buck stops with them! There are both pretty powerful women and they don’t like being played for fools. I don’t believe they would tolerate TCF’s shitting on their ground, their subordinate officerss, or their charge (the fallen soldiers).

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They surely wouldn’t tolerate it from anyone else. I’m not sure there’s a different standard being applied here, but time will tell.

Problem is, the more time that passes, the more likely they won’t pursue any action in an effort to just get rid of the problem.

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Let’s see how The Secretary of the Army likes getting called out by Jame Raskin…
Someone is going to have to take the rap for this. Unfortunately, it probably won’t touch Trump.
ETTD – Except himself.

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Ok, I’ll take your word for it. It’s like men’s watches - I just don’t get why you’d have any more than 1, and I don’t see that any of them is really any more attractive than any other. A version of tone deafness I guess.

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