CEA Chair Defends MLB’s Decision To Relocate Game Over Opposition To GA Law | Talking Points Memo

The relocation of the All Star game is serving its purpose by bringing more bad publicity to Republican anti-democracy repression. It says that you can’t trust Republicans. They are going to punish everyone with their voter suppression measures even though they are written to hurt minorities the most.

Today Blacks and Hispanics in urban areas are alarmed. Tomorrow it will be suburban and seniors who become aware that they can’t easily vote by mail any longer after they have grown to prefer to cast their ballots that way since the pandemic hit. It makes no difference who conservatives were targeting. They are hitting yet another nerve.


MLB is being both lauded and lambasted for deciding to leave Atlanta because of politics.

What they are doing is no different from companies deciding to not build in towns where the schools are horrible (usually because of Republican defunding) and they need educated, skilled workers and want to ensure that employee families who live there can get an education. Or how about companies that choose a city based on housing conditions - rent too high, not enough places to live, crappy schools. . . . er… already said that one.

Politics, conditions, schools, environmental concerns, and so many other ways companies decide where to locate. Usually cities want to prove they are worthy of the business and so provide a good business environment.

George proved that it is a racist city with sh*tty leadership. What company that values equality and good citizenship would opt for exposing their employees to that? MLB is showing good business judgement. Repubs don’t like it because they will lose money, and that’s the ticket.

Follow the money. Otherwise they wouldn’t care.

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You flatter Glenn unnecessarily.

He’s also the kind of gay man who makes other gay men want to vomit.


He makes ALL of us want to vomit.


You beat me to it! hahahahahahaha Just exactly what I was going to say.

And I’ll add - it’s yet another reason I don’t like Bill Maher - he used to have Glenn on his show all the time.



> Rouse noted that the MLB will relocate its All-Star Game to a Rouse noted that the MLB will relocate its All-Star Game to a location that will benefit economically from the league’s decision, and argued that rationale as the message that the MLB was trying to send in the first place.


(I’m hoping for one answer and one answer ONLY)

Is “RON” Ron Johnson?




Not silent yesterday:

At the heart of the PGA Tour’s charitable mission is a commitment to serving and supporting communities where we play, across the country and around the world. In Georgia, this commitment has resulted in more than $38 million generated for local charitable organizations since the Tour Championship – our season-ending event – moved to Atlanta in 1998. The Tour Championship’s commitment to East Lake has helped our partners transform distressed neighborhoods into healthy and thriving ones, which is a key to ending the cycle of intergenerational poverty.

The charitable and economic benefits that have led to these substantial changes would not continue if we simply walked away from those in need. We intend to maintain our commitment to the East Lake Foundation, Grove Park Foundation, Purpose Built Schools Atlanta and First Tee of Metro Atlanta by staging the Tour Championship at the East Lake Golf Club in September. We love these partners, and we will work with them to continue to deliver much-needed support and influence positive change.

Our intention to stage an event in a particular market should not be construed as indifference to the current national conversation around voting rights. The PGA Tour fully supports efforts to protect the right of all Americans to vote and to eliminate any barriers that may prevent citizens’ voices from being heard and counted. It is the foundation of our great country and a critical national priority to listen to the concerns about voter suppression – especially from communities of color that have been marginalized in the past – and work together to make voting easier for all citizens.


OK…anyway, I hope the Feds look at Johnson. He’s got to answer for what he has done.


Well good - I’m really glad they at least said something.


In response to this i have coined the tern CINOs - Christians In Name Only.


Not sure where Chenault and Abrams are coming from.

Asking Kemp nicely ain’t gonna work. Only severe pressure will.

Workers in many fields face hardship and possible unemployment when standing up for their rights. It happens all too often.

Yes, they’ll lose a one day windfall by losing the all-star game, but many of these same people stand to lose a fundamental right of citizenship – voting.


Hey, there’s a good idea!

I wonder why Republicans oppose it.


I stand corrected, in terms of the Masters’ verbal input. Maybe Abrams can work with this. The point being that voting is pivotal for our Democracy.

You have to be FOR every citizen having an equal opportunity to vote. And we must be in a position to require facsists to abide by this principle.


You know, I’m not sure they actually said anything – but I guess actions speak louder anyway.

Meanwhile, you have a great afternoon.


Translation: Go fuck yourselves. We know our sport is 99% white, but Tiger buys us a permanent pass in pretending to be aware of racial issues. Please ignore all the PGA members who have been photographed playing rounds with Trump.


Including Tiger. Alas.

I think he has said he would never do it again.


More than that, even, is that the message is coming from the entire country, and not just the businesses in those states. I really hate the notion of a corporatocracy, but this is an instance where one political party is using their power to legally suppress the democratic function of the whole. That cannot be allowed to stand. For this cause, we need all the voices and economic power we can get. Sanctions placed on actors like Kemp by other countries would not even be too much, IMO. Bring it on. Make the GQP squirm as they feel the wrath of an angry reality raining down upon them.


While it’s a PGA sanctioned event, the PGA doesn’t control the Masters, which is part of the Augusta National Golf Club.
Augusta would have to cancel it, and the club isn’t going to do that.

Both the club and the tournament were created in the 1930’s by the great Bobby Jones.