Cassidy ‘Agrees Wholeheartedly’ With McConnell’s Rebuke Of QAnon Rep. | Talking Points Memo

“It can’t just be because you want something to be true, it has to be what you know to be true, as best as you can know it,” he said.

That’s gonna burn…

Gunfire in parking lots…sitting ovation and Jooze death rays from outer space to follow.

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“…before voting with Rand Paul on Tuesday to dismiss the whole thing.”

Lucy, football, yada yada yada.


McConnell got re-elected. He knows he’s safe past 2024. He doesn’t need the lunatic fringe anymore. When push comes to shove, they’ll vote the way they’re told, because the alternative would be baby-eating Satanists. Outside that one little district in Georgia, nobody cares if they throw whats-her-name to the curb. He needs the big money donors that Cheney represents, however.

It was always going to break this way.


It goes much farther back than the T**** reign of terror. Let’s not study gun violence, lest we have to look at facts, instead of the American myth of gun ownership. Show me that analysis of how tax cuts pay for themselves. And so on…


I wonder what a direct hit on Palm Beach would do.

"as best as we can understand it,” Cassidy said

That leaves a lot of wiggle room, just like ex-45 swore to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution “to the best of [his] ability.”


Bartiromo is a good example of how a reasonably competent business reporter can not only dive down the rabbit hole but resolutely refuse to come out; e.g.,


How did he miscalculate? He got his judges, he got his tax cut. Do you think he would undo this bargain?


Well that was brave of him.

“We have to move beyond what someone thinks might be true because it’s on the internet, into what is true as best as we can understand it,”

So are you ready now to admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, as stated by your fellow members of Congress on the Senate Intelligence committee, and the report that they released?


You seem to have confused Maria with someone else.


She did a pretty good job of covering the stock market, but that’s basically the same skill set as sportscasting play by play.


That was long ago and far away.

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I suspect they can’t wait to throw MTG and Boebert overboard. Those two idiots may play well with the cuckoo Qcumber base but those people were already diehard Republicans. Cheney, on the other hand, likely appeals to the very white female suburbanites that are fleeing the GOP. That said, I won’t be surprised if McCarthy finds a way to elevate the Q ladies while demoting Cheney. It’s the stupidest thing he could possibly do, so he’ll do it.


McCarthy is quite reliable in that way—choosing the stupidest possible course of action and sticking to it no matter what.


That’s wonderful news as both he and McConnell rank right at the top of the list of people whose opinions do not matter at all on this subject.

What Kevin McCarthy and his leadership team think is just about the only people whose opinions matter and they are all so impotent a truckload of Viagra couldn’t help them.

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“We need to base things on facts,” the Louisiana lawmaker added.

Why start now, seditionist?

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The weather vane swings one way then the other, must be confusing.

Let every elected Republican be forced to choose McConnell vs Greene. Everyone should be asked whose side they are on. Get the Q supporters on record.

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Yes. Or climate change, birth control, environmental policies, healthcare, the social security net. There’s practically no policy discussion that favors Republicans if we’re going to go with the truth and the best science of the day.