It’s a wonder that the lawyer wasn’t struck by lightning for lying for 31 pages.
“This case is the story of a man who represents all that we would want in our fellow Americans,” Leduc said near the beginning of the sentencing memo. “Law-abiding, hardworking, honest, caring, kind, thoughtful, generous, and the kind of person you would love to have for a neighbor. It is the story of man who for just one hour on one day, lost his bearings and his way.”
This type of BS pisses judges off. How stupid is this asshole’s attorney? Apparently just as stupid as his client.
I’ll bet his neighbors don’t.
Stupid enough to invite sanctions by giving this witless drivel to the judge, apparently.
Fuck this twerp and your “post-Christian” prattle (and fuck you too, discobot).
A “Post Christian society”? O I wish. God do I wish.
He had me at post-Christian.
Presumably he has a clerk.
And people who were responsible gun owners until the split second they weren’t…
We want to cancel each other now that we’re a “post-Christian society”? Didn’t the US cancel communists during the McCarthy hearings? Didn’t it cancel Japanese citizens during WW2? And Black people throughout our history?
This whole cry of “cancel culture” is exceedingly stupid, Christians and white supremacists have wanted to cancel Americans throughout our history and are now whining that they can’t behave like bullies anymore.
You think the clerk, who is actually most likely a career research attorney, would read more than a page or two of this drivel?
Just cancel culture? No Critical Race Theory made me do it? No ChemTrails overdose? No vaccine microchip defense?
Time for a new shyster, dude.
The percentage of Americans who self-identify as “evangelical” has dropped from 23% in 2006 to 14% now.
Yes, someone has to in case there’s an appealable issue raised in there.
You do the crime, do the time. That is the way it is kid.
I know the trend is in the right direction.
How can I help?
That excuse is only admissible for white males with a sense of grievance. George Zimmerman walked, as did so many others.
“They’re not sending their best barristers.”
Or maybe they are.
At first read I thought “we’re gonna need a bigger shovel”, on completion my thought is that we will need at least a back hoe to move this bs. Poor judge.
Hallelujah! Can I get an amen?