Capitol Hill Police Offer First Account Of Failure To Protect Congress | Talking Points Memo

“Sund confirmed that the woman who was shot dead at the Capitol on Wednesday was named Ashli Babbitt, a member of the mob that stormed the legislature.”

I guess she did.


Patience. The day’s not over.


This wasn’t a retail law enforcement failure, it was a disaster on a wholesale level.

Sure, individual officers may have been unwilling to stand their ground, but the real problem was the lack of numbers.

Where was Chad Wolf? Where was the DHS? Where were all the resources that could have been tapped? In Portland, mystery troops were on the street because someone shot a firework at a federal building. In DC…crickets.

The seditionists made it abundantly clear what they were up to; were federal agencies told to stand down for this one, while the Proud Boys stood by?

A real investigation is needed, and quickly.


I hope they learned a lesson about white violence yesterday after being surrounded by it


I’ve completed the DHS Threat and Risk Assessment Course among other things; and this statement by Sund constitutes gross professional negligence in my informed opinion.


I hope they learned the correct lesson. I kind of doubt it, however.


At least.

I agree.


total bs of a statement. we were ready until we weren’t ready, it was robust until it was insufficient. compensating for the blm police presence is a political talking point.

i want to know when the order from the commander in chief came for all of the capital police to “stand down” and “let them in”. that is the question that needs to be answered. the order came in, that much is clear.

the police were fighting the mob and then suddenly they switched to barricading congress while the mob had 3 hours to roam free. later the police were letting them all go free, “here, you have three hours to leave freely until curfew.” then, it was suddenly pence that that was in contact with the DoD to order in the national guard. why him? because potus started it and then walked away and loved all of the destruction that he caused.

why is an outgoing potus still the head of all of the safety of congress? can any president that is about to lose let his favorite mob destroy the capital? also, doesn’t anyone have locks on their office doors and drawers?


Unbelievable that so many of these rioters were able to spend a night at their comfy hotels without having law enforcement bang on their doors in the middle of the night. Is the FBI compromised or incompetent?


Check time cards?

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To have expected a “peaceful protest” is to admit abject professional incompetence. The chatter leading up to yesterday and the overt incitements to violence were loud and clear. BLM was confronted with armed military in combat gear. These fuckers were greeted like brothers. Call it what it is.


No self awareness. Or Just a duplicitous bullshitter?


It was both.

We have clear evidence of some officers letting Trumpers past barriers/taking selfies with them.

I have no doubt there are good officers who did their duty and were overwhelmed. However, to stay good officers, they need to help identify and expel the others who aided and abetted the mob. Those complicit officers put both Congress and their fellow officers at risk, they deserve no fraternal loyalty for their actions.


They can keep on making all the excuses they want and that’s what this is, but I’m not buying it.


It looked like some of the CHP tried to hold the line at one of the little mini gates but they seemed to be the exception.


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Hey, how many terrorist mobs hell bent on over throwing the government are out there that number more than a few? Who knew this one was going o be so big?