Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) found a silver lining to the House cancelling its session on Thursday due to the threat of another pro-Trump assault on the Capitol.
Gym Jordan is one of the reasons I’ve disowned my native state. The people who elect this monster are not “good people,” regardless how much the NYT, et al., want to fawn over them while interviewing them in diners.
What an asshole. He should spend today talking to a lawyer because there is a documentary being made about how he looked the other way while young men were being abused.
These days, when a GOP pol engages in this kind of borderline criminal performance, it’s actually performative outrage designed to whip up support from his base so that they will defend him come hell or high water against actual criminal activity. And those stupid-ass peasants in Lima, Ohio will do it, too, like Pavlov’s dogs:
He should join forces with MTG and her ongoing requests to adjourn for the day, stopping everything and requiring an hour or more for everyone to vote.