The reveal from Jayson Miller’s text is so important. They knew that Trump lost because suburban white women decided they had had it with the orange rapist. They knew. They didn’t care.
Well yeah, but what I got out the article is that no one double checked anyone else’s work. And when they did nominally glance at other’s first reporting, the took the opportunity to tweak the analysis to the outcome that they were paid for.
Yes Republicans lie with ease and practice, but they also have lost the ability of discernment.
Men in loin cloths? Sweaty men in kilts or tunics?
Just remember Donnie was bitching about voter fraud after the 2016 election, in which he won.
[“There was just one problem. Salazar’s claims were easily disprovable.”]
This sums up more about the Republican Party than most people can handle:
It is a criminal organization wrapped in the guise of one of the two major political parties in the United States. It’s purpose at this time is the attainment, amassing, consolidation and retention of power.
This story reminds me of the Putin government’s explanation of how a Malaysian airliner with some 250 people aboard was shot down over Ukraine in 2014. Definitive evidence from established source showed it was a Russian missile fired from a Russian battery. Russia said 1) it was the CIA 2) it was the Ukrainians 3) the US had filled the jet with corpses knowing the Russians would shoot it down and it would make Russia look bad, 4) etc etc.
In short, flooding the zone with shit, a la Bannon. The ultimate point really isn’t to have any of these lurid fantasies taken seriously, it’s to discredit the very notion that there is such a thing as truth. The GOP has been studying Putin’s playbook closely for a long while now.
Patrick Byrne, the former CEO of who left his position after his romantic relationship with the convicted Russian agent Maria Butina became public
Hey Patrick?
That is not your beautiful wife.
Just remember Donnie was bitching about voter fraud after the 2016 election, in which he won.
Also, before the 2016 election.
Salazar did not respond to requests for comment
Has he come into unusual amounts of wealth these past couple years?
Another great piece of real journalism from Pro Publica. Think about contributing if you have an extra $5 a month,you%20and%20provide%20a%20receipt.
To me the most revealing paragraph in the entire article is this
A paper posted that month by University of Chicago and Stanford researchers found that the numbers Solomon had said were suspicious were normal for a fraud-free election and that by not considering this, his analysis was a classic example of how “fishing for a finding” can “lead an argument astray.”
A lot of these people are just cheap grifters, some of them are flat out insane, and many of them are true believers who think they have seen something in the mountains of data they have spent hundreds of hours staring at. Whenever someone walks into a situation with a preconception of what they are going to find, the chances of them finding it are very, very high. Investigator bias, poor understanding of statistics, misunderstood data - it all adds up the 3 days of the Pillow Guy braying about absolute proof in front of a pile of paper that might as well be randomized telephone books. The problem has been exacerbated by the digital age because we now have more useless and completely opaque data to sift through than ever before.
There are a lot of dumb people out there who will believe anything you tell them as long as it aligns with their personal viewpoints. There are also a lot of intelligent people out there who will see things that aren’t there because they want to believe.
This is never going away - it will just transform into the next big thing.
Shorter story: Lying pieces of shit produced lots of lies and shit. Half of the GQP and all of the its politicians feast on it.
“baseless, senseless, physically impossible, and unsupported by any evidence whatsoever.”
This is a pretty good synopsis of everything related to the party of DFG.
Interviewing these clowns was mostly a waste of time, but it had to be done for the record.
So before the 2020 election I had no idea how elections operated. No idea of the coordination between local precincts, counties, Secretaries of State, state Legislatures, and the Electoral College. Now I’m a person who would consider themselves well informed, politically engaged, and generally suspicious of accepting claims without supporting evidence. Consider the lack of knowledge that I had at the start of this discussion I can only assume that the average person was even less well informed.
Add to that lack of knowledge a “news” ecosystem that trumpeted the former President’s claims non-stop for the past four years, that regularly told it’s viewers they couldn’t trust other sources, and had no compunction about disseminating half-truths and it’s no surprise that the GQP has embraced conspiracies, evidence free claims, and broadly debunked reports. It’s the only information they’re getting and any attempt to give them another source is met with derision.
Until there is the internal fortitude by some portion of what used to be the Conservative Movement, to stand up against this nonsense (knowing full well that they’re breaking the party and will lose elections because of it), there is no hope of the GQP returning to anything more than a collection of white nationalist, Christian Dominionists, and the very wealthy looking to protect their status being fed upon by grifters.
Sadly I have no faith that there are enough capitalists worried about an eventual collapse, faithful religious adherents without intentions of national domination, and rugged individualists who really want to be left alone who can stand together in such a coalition.
Maybe we’ll get lucky and two years of COVID mismanagement and frustration will swing demographics enough over the next 10 years, but I’m not holding my breath.
Maras is also being sued by a certain Mr. Underhill for credit card fraud.
Yes, which is partly why few read or understand the tangled web of lies and malfeasances.
I think we on this site as a good start, ought to come up with talking point examples to deflect this cancerous bullshit, simple but clarifying phrases to get the true message across to folks ‘too busy’ to pay attention. How else can we get out of this deadly serious attempt to destroy society unless we see what our work is?
With the many informed and well spoken people who comment on this site, let’s make a beginning at crafting messages that Democrats can use in their campaigns, since it appears they may not have a plan. I am truly exhausted by the crazy false bullshit flying around when a majority of us voters can defeat Republicans, if we actually focus on how.
This is all well and good but I’m not sure how much this has all sunk in with the US public. With no hearings, yet, and the dithering amongst Dems on how to treat this and President Biden’s wanting to stay above the fray I truly believe a large number of Americans don’t care anymore about Jan 6th. Every week that passes is another week we are further away from that day and now as we get to the mid-terms suddenly bringing up the coup attempt this late summer or fall won’t make gas prices go down. It doesn’t get the air-fryer someone wants to buy their mother for Xmas get here quicker from China. It doesn’t make a gallon of milk go down in price.
When voters get in the voting booth in Nov they will blame Biden and the Dems for these things and sadly all these things will be worse. I’ve even seen people on message boards, even here, now conceding the House stating that it may be good for Biden and the Dems to lose it as long as they hold the Senate because the US will see how dysfunctional the GQP is. Really?
If the Dems would just follow Warren’s lead (and a few other’s, yes) and “get up off our rear ends” and start hammering the GQP, daily, on voting against capping insulin and voting against police reform that would help. Where was Biden when Abbot was wrecking the supply chain? As much as we hate him, TFG would have been out there, hourly, with a bad nickname for any Dem governor doing something along those lines to him. Where were Nancy and Chuck this past weekend after we all found out McCarthy is a liar and traitor? Where’s the DNC with TV ads just showing the texts from MTG calling for martial law?
Wanting to stay positive in your message is fine but these are different times. Simply hoping the US public is smart enough to understand how dangerous the Right in this country is is naïve. Hoping voters know that inflation is a world wide issue is just dumb. Just assuming that young people will vote and vote Blue is stupid and to say the Left is doing this, they are just drowned out by the Fox News media machine isn’t exactly true. Carlson is a dangerous, powerful voice but he still only has 3.5 million viewers and Fox’s average is 2.4 million. There’s 210 million registered voters in this country. Will the Dems in DC please start screaming about the coming storm! Today! Instead of Biden just calling Mallory McMorrow he should be calling on all Democrats to start snapping back like her.
For Christ sake! There was a coup attempt and daily we learn how involved the Republican Party was in it but I am reminded constantly that this Admin is sending money and weapons to Ukraine (which I fully support) and how dangerous Putin is. Perhaps they should include just how tied to Putin the Republicans are. Perhaps it’s time for all Dems to say, "Kevin McCarthy is a liar and a traitor.” You can even replace McCarthy’s name with almost any Republican.
He’s not suing Igor Sikorsky, or perhaps John Cocktostin?