Border Vigilante Whose Mass ‘Arrests’ Alarmed State Officials Pleads Guilty To Gun Charge | Talking Points Memo

A border vigilante who attracted worldwide attention for his group’s videos showing mass “arrests” of asylum seekers has pleaded guilty to a gun charge.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

O’Connell didn’t return TPM’s request for comment Friday. He told Reuters that Hopkins “felt like he had made his point” to the government.

“He had agreed that he was guilty of it and felon in possession is a pretty easy crime to prove,” O’Connell said.

Ah this dumb and stupid person actually knows when the jig is up, how refreshing.


Constitutional Patriots New Mexico Border Ops Team

They clearly deserve respect. They have their own camper trailer.

These guys are all about 12 years old, and slow.


A Boy or Girl Scout troop has more sense than these let’s play guard folks.

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Striker and Viper look like two over the hill fat ass rednecks to me. I’ve got a “striker” living across the street from me. Fat, short and bald. Never a day in the military and retired from a desk job at CSX. “My cat is a Republican” bumper sticker and an AK47 that he totes around. Shot the hell out of it on New Years eve. Thankfully he now spends a lot of time gone with his GOP’er cat and wife fatter than him. They bought a motor-home the size of a bus and “travel” now.

My sister used to call this “playing dress up” when she was a little girl.


Nice to know the FBI is watching and taking these guys down, one by one, even if it’s via the Al Capone approach. These guys obviously have plenty of skeletons the FBI can exploit. Maybe we’ll finally see a downturn in right wing terroristic acts? Hugely ironic if it happens on Trump’s watch, who’d consider that a disappointment.


This guy?


I’m from NM and I am glad Lujan and Balderas got right on this.


I know I’m not supposed to be in favor of prison gangs beating the crap out of people, but this guy tempts me to rethink that position.

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What happened with the dozens of “arrested”/kidnapped migrants?


And here is Larry Mitchell, prior to being arrested by the FBI in April, enjoying a nice cup of catsup and root beer. My heart bleeds for however many children (out of the 200 or so that his group held at gunpoint) had a gun pointed at them by this pig.


His cat is NOT a republican.


If a biker gang wore camo and “tactical” garb/gear, would we call them a militia, too?


As long as they hated the right people. (Gangs is essentially what a lot of these militias are, although not usually as pragmatically operated.)


More of a Purritan…


well done, max, well done


The group has raised millions and completed one wall segment outside of El Paso, Texas.

Some day this isolated section of featureless, ineffectual wall will be considered a monument to Trump. Fitting. Wide as a barn and twice as smart as the genuine article (so to speak), still useful only for the shade.

No, more than Trump – Trumpism. Paid for by his marks, to prove to themselves how great he was and that his signature campaign promise wasn’t an absurd-on-its-face lie they’d already bought and swallowed.

“That’s right, class,” the docent will say, as she leads them into the cordoned space around the wall. “The very same rubes he conned into voting for him then volunteered their own money to build it!”

A little girl runs up to her and says something inaudible to the rest of the class. “No, that doesn’t make them ‘Mexico!’ Ha ha!” There’s one in every class.

“They were poor and needed the money, but they were also very foolish and vulnerable, and they had been brainwashed.”

The children chatter gleefully as they swarm the wall, eager to touch it.

“No, kids! You don’t want to put your hands on it! It’s very gross. There wasn’t always a park here, and many people did disgusting things to the wall to prove how much they hated the man it was built for. That’s also was when the carving was done.”

Nobody knows who carved the words into the north face, a rebuttal for the ages in crisp letters as tall and thick as the Convict President himself, and just as easy to read.

coño agarra de nuevo

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Militias are white; gangs are “other colors”.

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Silly me.

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I’d still call them losers. With or without the dress up.