That picture…
Really, TPM??
That picture…
Really, TPM??
It is obvious to me that trump considered that he literally owned the country and its government totally. We all and everything in the country were personal property of his. That is why he took alla the stuff when he left the White House. He saw those papers as his personal property to show to whomever he pleased. He saw no difference between what was his and what was the government’s property and it is gonna cost him dearly. At least it fucking better cost him. The alternative is we have no justice system worthy of the name.
Trump wants more than shooting someone in Times Square and getting away with it.
He wants to use nukes in blue states to send a message.
Truth. And doubleplusgood for the “donald dumbfuck!” Deep Bow!
I am fairly certain that DFG knows absolutely nothing about either how fission and fusion weapons work, nor about the consequences of their use. That alone is enough reason to keep him from the levers of power.
Let’s rally his base.
ETA: despite what the image says it’s not pre-war – recording by Johnny and Jack 1950, written by Lee V. McCullom 1949.
Considering the access he’s had for 6 years, and the ‘possibilities’ being pondered, it is definitely terrifying.
This news increases the necessary focus on his having access to these documents. It’s almost like an admission of guilt.
The Atomic Cafe was an excellent documentary about the dawn of the nuclear era and the propaganda campaign from the first tests to “duck and cover”’.
There is a video of trump taking an Abbott Labs instrument (related to detecting covid) out of a box, turning it slightly while examining ot and setting it on a table…upside down. Since he said one could learn all there is to know about rockets in an hour and a half I would challenge him to an Estes model rocket duel. Who can do it successfully without instructions… I can from doing it over decades with all the various mistakes made along the way. He cannot.
…“Before I gave them all the papers”.
It’s a case of inviting a Russian or Chinese guest into his “vault” and saying “lookee what I got here! It’s secret … … … innit cool??” Ya wanna photo? sure, go ahead…"
and he sees nothing wrong with that behavior because it is his toy to show off to build his fucking ego
The last time we visited the National Atomic Museum in Albuquerque, the gift shop featured ‘atomic fireballs’ candies. Because of course…
I am a mere historian. I know nothing about this topic. But I do believe that Trump is one of the most effective enemy agents in this country’s history.
Adding in the minions and the followers, it’s a slam duck.
Fortunately, we can still stop Donald Trump…and right now, he’s helping us with that.
“It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles,” Trump told the Washington Post in 1984
Certainly helps explain why he hired Rick “three things we should abolish…oops” Perry to run the Department of Energy….which deals with nuclear energy. Oops.
Um, the Department of Energy oversees much of what constitutes the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal:
As long as nuclear weapons exist, the United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective nuclear deterrent to keep America safe. In support of this presidential mandate, the Energy Department — specifically the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) — is responsible for ensuring the integrity and safety of the nation’s nuclear weapons, advancing nuclear nonproliferation and promoting international nuclear safety.
Established by Congress in 2000, NNSA is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S. Department of Energy…
Just another of the bazillion examples of the four year old mentality. “I found a rocket. I like this rocket. I’m going to get more rockets. I know everything about rockets. There are rockets I saw in the store, but I’m not telling anyone about them or where they are. Rockets … ooh, a pretty lady in a tight dress …!”
To an extent, but the system held, because control of our strategic nuclear force isn’t just literally handed over carte blanche to every new Presidential administration. There are safeguards.
If an incoming attack is detected, it’s the President who has to decide on the response and select targets in consultation with the chair of the Joint Chiefs (or whoever of sufficient rank is available).
If the President wanted to do something like a first strike nuclear attack on say, Iran, he would also have to consult with the Joint Chiefs on targeting and logistics because our nuclear force is essentially strategic/defensive, not designed for offensive use (not to mention the need to consult with Congress on a war declaration).
In other words, the President doesn’t “hold the nuclear codes” with a red button he can just push any time on a whim. Although I agree the idea that Trump was the guy who would decide on a response to something like a nuke terrorist attack on one of our cities is a terrifying thought.