When President Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki for their 2018 summit meeting, he took the Russian leader by surprise.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1429551
When President Donald Trump met with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki for their 2018 summit meeting, he took the Russian leader by surprise.
Especially nuking hurricanes…
Take an account from Bob Woodward’s 2020 book Rage , where Trump bragged about having created an “incredible” nuke system.
“I have built a nuclear — a weapons system that nobody’s ever had in this country before. We have stuff that Putin and Xi have never heard about before,” Woodward quoted Trump as telling him. “There’s nobody — what we have is incredible.”
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump asked a foreign policy adviser multiple times in an hourlong briefing why the U.S. can’t use its nuclear weapons, MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough said Wednesday morning.
Scarborough revealed the story while he was interviewing former CIA Director Michael Hayden on “Morning Joe” about Trump’s campaign.
“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert went to advise Donald Trump,” Scarborough said. “And three times he asked about the use of nuclear weapons — three times he asked. At one point, ‘If we have them, why can’t we use them?’”
Mango Mussolini, aka Cadet Bone Spurs, couldn’t negotiate his way out of a paper bag. His “book” should be renamed “The Art of the Schlemiel.” Donnie is a doofus.
Hmmmm. That photo looks pretty damn delicious! I was expecting a yellow cake with frothed mushroom meringue.
As the kids say, it’s da bomb
Ah, so Donnie was not only the dotard in his relationship with Kim Jong-Un, but also the original Little Rocket Man.
And if I were a psychologist, I might see something in Donnie’s fascination with highly destructive, catastrophic tools of annihilation like nuclear weaponry. Certainly fits his personality as a divider and destroyer of all things.
“And it’s not clear what the records at Mar-a-Lago may have been – if related to nuclear weapons, were they American? Or information about a foreign arsenal?”
Whatever they were, the illegitimate Biden administration certainly couldn’t be trusted with them
That’s why Trump had to steal them.
Oh I want a slice of that atomic cake!!!
This is so - ooooooo on target.
I think it is past time that we remove TFG’s Nochlear Implant. It is doing nothing of help to the world, nor is he.
Terrifying to think that this man had the nuclear codes.
Be sure to ask for the insulin chaser!
trump claimed to be a world authority “on the nuclear”
“There is nobody who understands the horror of nuclear more than me.” – June 2016
I suspect the survivors at Nakasaki and Hiroshima know more than donald dumbfuck does. And any trained nuclear scientist knows waaaaaaay more than donald ever dreamed of.
It might sound naive to suggest that he is fascinated with anything beyond himself and his immediate status and power, but in interviews and speeches, the absolute power of nuclear weapons and absolute destruction of nuclear war is a topic to which he has returned year after year.
Trump was surely particularly fascinated with nukes as President because he saw the nukes as his power. He could blow up millions of people if he wanted to. That was his power.
Even pre-President he was obsessed with power and nukes are simply the ultimate power.
“It would take an hour-and-a-half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles,” Trump told the Washington Post in 1984
(TFG) life imitates (comic) art.