Bloomberg Blames Sanders Camp For Vandalized Office


You’re so damned sure that you and only you know what these people actually believe.

It’s touching, really.

People change political allegiances all the time for a wide variety of reasons.
You don’t get to be the arbiter of their sincerity.


All hands on deck! Wheel the Liz Warren back 'round and unleash a broadside on Sanders at the next debate!


These days, I’m very skeptical about unattributed comments of this kind being pinned on Bernie supporters or anyone else. In the current environment, we’re all wise to be skeptical of unattributed comments made in relation to any candidate.

In other parts of TPM we’re seeing updated information about Russian meddling in the current election, and there’s no reason to doubt this is true.

That’s just the kind of cynical political environment that we live in these days.


Start with this:


How Sen.Sanders voted on Russia sanctions:


2012 Magnitsky Act - nay
2014 Russia Sanctions - nay
2017 Russia Sanctions - nay
2019 Russia Sanctions - did not vote


In 2019 Nicolle Wallace told Stephen Colbert she was still a registered Republican. Why are you going off on me? Don’t you trust her?

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Also in fairness, I share the sentiments even though I can’t stand Bernie.

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Really? Do you have your official brown shirt, too?

I guess we’ll just have to disagree. When Wallace speaks, I hear an unrepentant Iraq War promoter who regrets that her party has left her. I’m not buying into it.

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I think we need to be very careful before jumping to any conclusions about actions like this. TBH, it could be any number of bad actors trying to deliberately ratfuck the Democrats, or just some confused nutbag who can’t engage in a civilized manner, or somebody who hates Bloomberg for non-political reasons. We don’t know.

The better response would be to keep better security on the offices and catch them in the act before making accusations.


“’…it echoes language from the Sanders campaign and its supporters’”

Well, of course. Bernie’s quest to copyright “Oligarch” is legendary.

Well, he had to find terms like that and billionaire (Drink!) since he could no longer use the word millionaire, after becoming one.

(Sorry… it’s an oldy but a goodie)

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Is there some date at which you think this transformation in his rhetoric occurred?

What if one could show that even before that date he criticized billionaires without mentioning millionaires?


I see why you feel apologetic!

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I’ve seen the video of a chair being held up in the air. The Sander’s people tried to claim that the guy was just moving the chair. But they the blew it by claiming that the matter was settled with a group hug …a totally unnecessary maneuver unless anger was involved.

The video is this piece is no longer available.

Group hugs are only necessary if anger is involved?

Useless in cases of misunderstanding?

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You are making the same mistake as Bloomberg’s office: Making an accusation based in prejudice without proof to back it up.

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Yes; or at least I am unaware of any information that tells us who was responsible.

Beat me to the point.

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Republican dirty tricksters are more likely than Bernie supporters, IMO.