Bloomberg is making an unsupported accusation. I would hope in this day and age, Russian bots, GOP meddlers, a thinking person would be careful before they jumped at any shiny object tossed out before them. Of course a non-thinking person might jump at anything that reinforces their preconceived notions no matter what the source. That’s how we ended up with Trump.
How much did this original idea cost Bloomberg?
This is one of the oldest tricks in the book – trash something that makes it look like your opponent did it, but it could still be anyone, including Bernie supporters. Lacking evidence, it is best to just ignore it.
Oh for sure! He is worried that Bernie may not provide the next one. So he is a Biden, Bloomberg, kind of guy, or if they dont work Trump will do.
Actually he probably prefers Trump but hedges his bet.
I remember her, I guess the mugger was using a mirror when he carved that B in her face.
Here we go. Will Molotov cocktails be part of this revolution.
All those lobs the candidates threw at Bloomberg are going to boomerang.
It’s sad, that Bloomberg was the debate target, he will comeback with his own jabs. This will not turnout well as collectively they will be damaged. If only they had focused on front runners Sanders & ButtigIeg neither of whom is electable…
It will be helpful if ButtigIeg, Amy & Sanders were pummeled to point of no delegates on Super Tuesday.
IDK if Bernie camp was responsible for this vandalism but it sure fits the combative, polarizing behavior they exhibit.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a Bernie supporter comes forward and confesses to the vandalism, after collecting a fat check.
“In 2016, Russia used Internet propaganda to sow division in our country, and my understanding is that they are doing it again in 2020. Some of the ugly stuff on the Internet attributed to our campaign may well not be coming from real supporters.”
In other words, go BernieBros! Bernie will cover for you by blaming Russia.
Very likely the culprit was Rosie O’Donnell, according to Palm Beach area man.
Trump is having another rally in Las Vegas. He’s about done now. Again, he wanted to impeach Obama because he lied about keeping your doctor. Trump yelled… HE LIED!!
Meanwhile, most of his Vegas rally consisted of lies.
I wonder if anyone will tell him that you can’t impeach an ex-president?
He is Trump, he can do what he wants.
Nope, no coverage of covid-19, whatsoever. Not nearly Trumpy enough.
“Aeroplane?” He’s been talking to Boris Johnson again.
Peace and Love, and, oh yeah, Off the Pigs. There are contradictions in any mass movement.
Here in Knoxville, we have some pretty aggressive Berners who’ve done and said some pretty outrageous things.
But absent any actual evidence, I wouldn’t blame them for this—but whoever did it is a UT fan because they used orange spray paint.
If they are Berners, I give them credit for being able to spell big words like “oligarch”. Obviously smarter than your average Trumper.
That’s a pretty low bar, you must admit.
I buy it.