Your post is needed…but I have seen disjointed talk about the type of filibuster for months (including dialogue with Franken and Ornstein.)
The excerpt below is from Josh…Front Page Today
["Imagine Texas Republicans wanted to use their majority to push their voting restriction law and the minority Democrats could just say, um no. Sort of abscond in place, as it were. Republicans say, wait. We’re the majority. We want to pass this law. Dems think for a moment, scratch their chin and again, ummmmm, no. No need to make a fuss or run over state lines or anything. Indeed, if it were that easy they’d do it all the time.
Needless to say, that’s what we call the modern Senate filibuster. You literally don’t have to do anything, just send an email. With that little accountability things quickly get out of hand."]
Yes…A way to do the filibuster. But there has been so much tap-dancing around the term “Filibuster”. I have seen dozens of different stories dealing with Manchin being in favor of the type of filibuster Josh refers to…and another batch of stories just saying “filibuster”…with no stipulation of TYPE
The reactionaries would haul that out regardless, ignoring the fact that their Dixiecrat forbears all got on board with the GQP and empowered Nixon’s southern strategy. (ed.)
Their descendants are what gave us Drumpf and his insurrection.
Perhaps. The reality I think is more along the lines of the South never having assimilated back into the US from 1860 or so onward. They were done with being a part of the country then and they’ve never been done being done. They’ve raised generation after generation after generation to hate this country, hate that they lost the Civil War to this country, hate that they’ve been forced to be part of and obey this country, hate the rest of the people in this country and hate that they don’t get to take over and just rule this country themselves. Every time a baby Jethro fell out of its mother, they taught it that its birthright was white supremacy and God-decreed Christian dominion over this country’s governance and culture.
While LBJ’s quote might be right in the narrow sense that all those legislative achievements combined…particularly the CRA and VRA…operated to hand the “South” to the GQP, geographically realign the parties and perhaps crystallize the situation, it ignores that the south was lost and had never returned 100 years prior to him speaking it. It still hasn’t. The project has NEVER altered from the course set in the 1860’s, which was to divide themselves from the rest of America and stay that way. The only thing that changed was because we forced them to adhere to the structural and institutional form of federalized gov’t with the rest of us, their separatism grew over generations to become a belief that, if they couldn’t just leave us behind, then they should simply rule over the rest of us for all time. Screw “if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em.” They decided “if we can’t leave 'em, beat 'em.”
We are living through the South finally rising again, because the election of a black man as POTUS was a bridge too far for them to keep up the slow-motion quiet-coup facade any longer. Now it’s full on, overt and will not go away until the division becomes violence and is resolved by violence one way or the other. There is no way out.
I’ve seen the picture of the two in the lower-right before and other than the picture of the Purple Heart bandaid some c*nt wore back when Kerry was running I can’t think of any more disgusting display of vitriolic partisanship.
Just guesstimating their age, I think that they were too young or otherwise didn’t serve in Vietnam. If that’s true, they’ve had it easy and this is what we get.
I almost wish I believed in some form of afterlife, that way there’d be a hell for them to rot in.
Oh of course…it is, in fact, a constant drumbeat on the Faux News kkkomment boards, and it ALREADY gives me a headache. I’m just complaining that this will kick it into high gear.
Meanwhile in MAGAville, the Faux news channel tells half the country that Fat trump won the elction, Biden is a racist for invoking the KKK and states rights’ matter more than the federal government. And the dumb get dumber…
Sorry, but that’s just bullshit prejudice against the South, which is filled with a wide variety of people with a wide variety of beliefs and personal histories.
But yeah, of course it’s a fucking generalization. We went over this the other day. If your panties are going to get wadded every time anyone refers in general terms to “the South”, then you’re eventually going to have panties coming out your mouth. They are, IN FACT, the fucking source of the problem.
I find it impossible to believe that 74MM people voted for that fat orange piece of shit on their own. They consume a steady diet of bullshit, which explains why they themselves are so full of it.
They literally say this every single day in some form or another to POC. “hOw CAaN yu SpPOrt tEH dEMONocCraT KKKks pArTY?” I relish the opportunity to defend Sen. Byrd’s legacy every chance I get. He’s of the finest examples of how people can change dramatically and devote their lives to righting the wrongs they’ve inflicted on others.