Stabenow would be replaced by a Democratic governor; the other two by Republicans.
There’s gonna be a lot of potholes need filling when Biden takes over.
Come to Michigan, Uncle President Joe. We could sure use your team here.
The value and pleasure of schadenfreude should never be underestimated.
Witnesses to something not said to Gen. Kelly is a neat trick.
This is a huge issue. When Obama was elected he took our wonderful DEMOCRATIC governor, Janet Napolitano, and made her head of DHS. She was the most popular politician in AZ at the time and was blocking everything the monkeys (R) in the State Legislature were trying to do. Then we got Jan Brewer, and we still haven’t recovered on a statewide politics level, despite having 2 Democratic senators. I thought it might haver been one of the stupidest political moves I had ever seen.
Certainly nothing useful about governing the US. However, Trump can’t help telegraphing his moves and confessing his crimes. If Biden goes in wearing a wire, he’ll come out with valuable evidence.
Or mind-boggling comedy.
Or both.
Biden’s excuse for not appointing Sanders and Warren to his cabinet is NOT about taking elected leaders out of the Senate; his “excuse” is that they would be replaced by the current REPUBLICAN governors of Vermont and Massachusetts - as both states let the governor appoint the replacement.
Is that braying I hear? Hee-Haw Motherfucker!
If he can’t find the door come January 20th, someone will have to show it to him it.
Hate to have to be that guy.
Scratch that.
Would love to be that guy, masked up and ready to lock the damn thing behind him.
No interlopers or trespassers allowed.
Joe would need a set of rabies shots if he came into contact with Orange Foolius!
But trump is cured! And immune!
Exactly. What could they possible find to talk about?
Trump can show them how the Diet Coke Button works
Michael Cohen’s book describes his first encounter with Trump – and it was EXACTLY that.
That was back in the more innocent days when a President thought he could fill his cabinet with the most qualified people around and without so much worry about partisan chicanery. But this really is a stark example of how these things can have far-reaching (and negative) consequences.
O that’s just beautiful.
Biden is giving his Thanksgiving address - the soul of our nation is forged by dangerous circumstances
Also would be useful to know where the listening devices from Vlad have been placed