My money’s on objective reality. It usually has the last word.
Well, I would suggest Borat, but…too late.
The past behind us, good things before us,
The past behind us, good things before us,
The past behind us, good things before us,
No turning back!
No turning back!
Delusion and fever are both early signs of Covid. Rest up. /s
You are the Lord’s very own eternal optimist, aren’t you?
Springtime will be bad months for Trump. For obvious reasons, chief of which will be his forced realization of the importance of the Presidential Bully Pulpit.
- “Former President”
- “Ex-President”
- “Trump”
[“Why do we have to listen to this drivel? He’s making no sense!!” …“Well, you have to cover him. He IS the President. You’re supposed to cover him…”]
“Certainly should President Trump want to speak with President-elect Biden, then that’s something we would work out in the future,” Bedingfield said. “But in terms of whether it is mission critical to being able to move the transition forward efficiently, no.”
Mmmm so much delicious passive aggressiveness here, like a velvet glove on a steel-fisted backhand, I love it!! She could have also said “… whether [he] is [essential] to being able to move the transition forward, efficiently, no.” Really drive home the point that the Loser-in-Chief is the ultimate definition of a non-essential worker.
…from the man who looks in his bathroom mirror at the start of each day.
Oh, I’ve been called worse.
My delusions and fevers have been with me for decades!
COVID will just have to take a number.
Weird PA Shit Continues.
(May be referring to adding few remaining contested ballots to certification).
On the other hand Trump hasn’t a clue as to what is happening. Yea, so be polite if Trump offers anything, otherwise he is pointless.
I’m looking for a steamroller analogy to suit my mood.
If this pitch perfect response is what we can expect for the next 4 years, I’m going to be quite content.
I do kind of wish Biden would flick a paper at him and say, “You’ve been served.”
Re: the cartoon on measuring drapes for the Oval Office.
It made me wonder if every new president really gets new drapes. Why, yes, they do. Gold, brown, and gray all seem to have been popular choices. Bush One went wild and chose a dusty blue. Dare I say it? They’re mostly ugly. I like the blue, but the valance is kind of frou-frou. LBJ’s were different, a white or ivory, but with no valance, which looks a little unfinished. Also, looking through the photos, I see that the carpet has changed several times. Some have the presidential seal in the middle, but some don’t. Trump re-used Reagan’s carpet and Clinton’s drapes. Ford re-used Nixon’s carpet.
Drapes seem so frivolous at this point in history, but if I were Biden, I wouldn’t want to keep any shred of Trump around. Off with the drapes! Nobody’s done a drape with a pattern, that might work.
Drape photos: