Biden Team: We’re Moving On With Or Without Trump

Given his performance with Kislyak and Lavrov, it might be interesting (though probably not admissible in court) to get him riffing on Barr and Pence, et al. Just to see what he inadvertently blabs that could be followed up with real investigations.


covid, covid, covid!!!

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That’s smart, because Trump’s con begins with the very first encounter, when you are most likely to let outlandish statements slide in the interest of forming a human connection. That really is the essence of his ability to manipulate people – he uses people’s humanity against them.


But, but, but … How in the world can Joe Biden properly serve as president without meeting with Unser Drumpfenfuhrer and learning essential facts that no one else but His Vileness knows. Such as:

–Abraham Lincoln was a Republican! A little known but true fact!

–Frederick Douglass, who died in 1895, has “done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more!”

–His Orangeness is not only the world’s greatest ever president, the heathiest ever president. and the most popular president ever, he is also the world’s foremost expert on epidemiology and infectious diseases, military tactics, and election fraud. Among many other things.



On the one hand, you should probably get combat pay for doing this duty.

On the other hand, fragging does not always count.

I’m confused.


Those two words are key.

If Biden were to play it right, just think of the comedic potential.


The Joe touch is a light one…with the wallop of a bulldozer…

“…Huh?..Nah…we don’t really need Trump right now. Thanks for askin’…”


We will not see his like again. :nauseated_face:


Yes. Exactly. I guess a reporter might feel obligated to ask Biden the question, but there is no one who knows less than Trump.

And frankly, I don’t want Biden inside the WH until it is fumigated, wiped down and painted. The beautiful Blair House mansion is right across the street on the other side of Lafayette Park. And the Old Executive Office Building, with its beautiful office suites that housed the State and War Departments until WWII, will have been cleaned out by High Noon, January 20th. I am pretty certain that these offices have never been defiled by Trump’s presence.


He is sharing his rivulet of consciousness with us as usual. Slowing to a dribble and then a drip in a couple of months.


Like putting peanut butter on a hard-boiled egg. Makes you wonder, then it makes you nauseous to think about it for too long.


Seriously he’s got the same problem as Stone, except much worse: He’s such a liar, buffoon, and borderline dementia patient that almost nothing he says would be credible. I think when he leaves office there’s going to be a burst dam’s worth of revelations coming out, and the investigators will have their hands full just sorting it all out. I wonder if what we really need is some sort of public-private truth and reconciliation commission to simply understand what the hell all these people were up to all these years.


We have not taken into account in the transition issues that Biden knows more about how to run the White House than the current occupant. He has been there before.


How will Joe find the invisible jet fighters?


The hits just keep coming. Other than beating him by several millions votes in an election, there’s nothing more injurious to Trump’s ego than casting him as irrelevant. As the media and Team Biden begin to move past him, talk about him less and less, as Biden’s administration takes shape and takes up all the oxygen in the room, it’s going to get increasingly painful for Trump. The worry, of course, will be what he does to try to get attention.


I like the thought but Trump has stayed at Blair House and he has visited both it and the EOB a number of times.

If Biden needs a place to stay in DC, he can always crash at the Obamas’.


They are not interested in either truth or reconciliation. Quite the contrary, actually.


He also said the we would hear NOTHING about Covid once the election was over. I guess he can get away with saying that because all of his followers watch Fox where the pandemic was never anything more than a passing storm. So, yeah, they hear nothing about Covid. :roll_eyes:


That’s an absolute necessity. Whether or not the new AG can or is willing to bring charges is anyone’s guess. Regardless, we must have a truth and reconcilliation commission that uncovers all the corruption for everyone to see. While it may not wake up much of the GOP base, the American people need to know what was done in our names with our money.