I’m sleeping better, now that there’s an adult in charge.
Tell your relatives I’m one of the USPS’s biggest fans. I think they are one of the greatest things in the country.
Why not just stash him, oops move his office to the dead letter office and just close the door. No computer, no phone, just maybe a lamp.
Fuck him, fire him. Or execute him. Or both, I don’t even care about the order.
DeJoy should have to personally pay to replace and or repair all those sorting machines he had trashed. The USPS has been a cornerstone of and a great value to this country from the very beginning. I hope they make Benjamin Franklin’s ghost happy.
I just maybe he could look for my two pieces of mail that went missing in 2020 in April and May.
Soon another signature.
Undoing T**** era stain? Gonna need a whole lotta bleach, whiteout, and tarps.
If Spicer voice not available, irate Jared Kushner voice doubling irate Jeanine Pirro voice with fingernails on chalk board accompaniment.
OT but this is too fun
It’s time to cancel his postmark.
Isn’t every newly elected Democratic President the most radical in history, period?
The five-year plans, collective farms, purges, and the politburo are just around the corner.
Lifted by his own canard.
Which makes me laugh, because yes, we’re going to get to claim bipartisanship on several things that amount to fixing shit Trump broke that (almost) NOBODY wants to stay broken.
Let me guess: the GOPers who are helping fix the USPS are from states that rely heavily on mail in voting?
No UV lights? Should they kill any microbes of the nasty sort that T**** and Co left behind?
Bloody Hell!
The gunfire began around 06:00 local time (11:00 GMT) in the city of Sunrise as agents were investigating a child abuse case, US officials say.
The suspect has also been killed. Asked how many bullets were fired, a police official replied: “Too many to count.”
The gunfight took place at an upscale gated community north of Miami.
Maybe Laura Ingraham standing on her head and yelling out of her vajayjay while 10 cats have an orgy?