Biden Says Debates Should Be Cancelled If Trump Still Has COVID

“if Trump has still COVID” is no sentence that can be used to guide anything Biden should do. We won’t know Trumps condition (unless he dies). We already know he can make (previously) respected medical professionals say flat out lies. He can do it again.

It would seem to be a far better line Biden is that for debate to proceed, Trump must be isolatated from Biden camp, moderators and journalists. Separate entrances, separate ventilation etc. You’re choosing the president of the USA, so it should all it all be impossible to arrange and too expensive to implement. If Trump does object a personal bubble, Biden could accept also three separated isolated compartments (team Trump, team Biden and moderators/journalists)

He can always add that if Trump feels too tired or confused, it is perfectly acceptable to cancel the debates untill he gets better.


True, but isn’t Q-Tip already Donnie’s spittoon?


“I think if he still has COVID, we shouldn’t have a debate,”

Ya think?



It’s only a week away. Trump won’t be better, or cleared.

Biden should just offer a virtual debate, and that’s it.


Perfect opportunity for Lysol to partner with the democratic candidate. Every time Trump opens his tap, joe can spray a fog of disinfectant in the air.

The Russian hoax…psssssssssst!

Do it via zoom. It’s a win-win because they can cut off the Covidiot’s mic while still showing him making faces and smirking like a 14 year old.


Because, if he has an infectious disease, he might, you know, infect people. Like he did before.


I didn’t realize that you’d have to say: The President has Ebola so we won’t debate until he’s cured. In a rational world, people sick with contagious diseases that themselves may be mind-altering and taking drugs with the same potential effect wouldn’t be insisting on debating and exposing other people. But we don’t live in a rational world.


Still doing.


People give wheelbarrows full of money to Adam Sandler and Tyler Perry to make movies. So yeah, you are correct.


And he can volunteer to be tested by the same group. He won’t be asking for anything he isn’t willing to do himself.
I think it should be virtual, but then they might have to engage in actual debate prep, and that’s a no-go. (It’s amazing to think of all those people helping him think up zingers to throw Biden off stride and not dealing in any way with the issues or to engage in even minimal efforts to protect themselves and others.)


Well I sure a shit don’t need anymore debates or time to decide and I doubt very many folks that actually plan to vote do either. And the ones that do probably make up such a small percentage, even in swing states, they won’t affect the outcome either way. Just watching what each candidate does day to day till the election will probably help make up undecided minds better than any debate. Want a guy that talks like he knows what to do or a guy that tweets complete and utter back and forth bullshit in spurts throughout the day.


I think he’s handled all of this well. Firm fact-based explanations grounded in moral leadership (not a lying, loud and obnoxious lout). Women love that and women vote.


Trump campaign spokesperson Tim Murtaugh: “There’s no getting out of this one for Biden, and his protectors in the media can’t cover for him.”

Wrong. Joe Biden can just say that he is not going to attend because Trump is still infectious. And what are you going to do about it?


And those who want to help get the vote out can do so!

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In what state do you normally vote?

Respectfully I disagree. The debates could be remote. Separate studios. Easier to mute is a bonus.


Seeing Trump under the influence and having massive 'roid rage on live TV would be entertaining, but not worth risking Joe’s life over.


Um, humor by it’s very nature is emotional and response to it is generally not a “rational” process.