I don’t think Biden should even debate Trump. Biden’s line should be: “This clown has consistently lied to the American people for 4 years, and I’m not going to give him yet another public platform to do more of the same. The American people have already seen me debate 6 times. Tell you what, I might consider debating him if he releases his tax returns first.”
What do you,know. Time Friedman stole my idea in today’s NYT. You heard it here first.
Certain elements of the woke left gleefully ran with the “cognitively challenged” trope
not surprised tRump and his ilk are going with it also.
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try not to be a dick.
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You’re in denial.
Okay. You try to avoid ad hominem.
I don’t usually care what celebrities think, but this was a nice endorsement.
You’re right
The woke left looooooooooooooooooved uncle joe
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Those who are more aware are allowed
as well as the pius
and of course thinking you’re right always entitles one to be such.
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most insightful, k