Former Vice President Joe Biden told a group of mostly Asian and Hispanic voters in Iowa on Wednesday that poor children are just as smart as “white kids.”
I would vote for Biden if he becomes the D nom because he is a better person than Trump to lead America.
That said, IMHO, the Ds should rethink their parameters in selecting the best D nom - and it should go beyond who can beat Trump because polls have shown that there are other people who can beat Trump. Ds should select their nominee based on who is best at representing the interests of the Ds diversity, who has a better vision going forward for the country, and who can think on their feet and make a better or best decisions as leaders.
For instance, of the front runners in the last debate, Warren, Sanders & Buttigieg (and also Klobuschar, not front runner though) has shown better judgement and ability to think on their feet compared to Biden & Harris because Warren & Sanders we’re pushed by CNN moderators to fight each other in healthcare but did not, the same goes for Sanders and Buttigieg on age and did not fight each other. In contrast, Biden & Harris knew what the format will be - moderators making them fight each other - and then they fell for the trap and had a food fight.
Just saying…
That’s a tell. Grandpa Joe is not who we need right now. He’s had his turn (several times over). I’m a baby boomer but people in their 70’s & 80’s need to get off the stage and bring up the next generation of leaders.
If we are going to excoriate verbal gaffes, then I will have my own wing in the Hall of Shame. I would rather take Joe’s unintentional gaffes vs. Trump’s deliberate lies any day.
Maybe we shouldn’t be asking people to rally around a 76-year old man who is demonstrably gaffe-prone? Or are we going to have a replay of 2016 where we’re told to ignore obvious flaws in a candidate because they won’t really matter?
The presidency is for someone who can carry off appearances, debates, etc. without consistently fumbling. Is there anyone he’s in contact with, or who can contact him, to tell him it’s time to stop? Maybe after a primary or two, if he gets low numbers.
His staff tells him about this stuff and he keeps doing it. I’ve always said that for all his good qualities he’s a pompous, self-satisfied guy who doesn’t really understand that he has to bear down on these things. For all those good qualities he has some pretty serious bad ones.
This election is a complete referendum on the incumbent. Look at recent history. We are in a national emergency with Trump. He must be defeated at the ballot box. The Dems must be united whoever win in the primaries.
We’re not asking likely Democratic primary voters to rally around Joe Biden. Or at least I’m not. We are observing that they are currently rallying around Joe Biden.
There is a very big difference between those two things.
Maybe not here, but there will be panel after panel of experts brought in to cable news to discuss. Biden’s Gaffe’s are the new Her Emails. Its the thing horse races are made of.
I don’t understand why anyone would make a comparison between “poor” and “white”. Totally different concepts.
ETA:especially for a candidate who runs on his appeal to poor whites.