Biden Dodges When Asked If He’d Sign Medicare For All Into Law

I saw the interview and he did not dodge the question.


Yes, and your point?

So we are going to take what you and your family are currently spending on health care (personally or via your job) and spread it around amount everyone else who does not have insurance, end up spending less overall, and then you will get back “your fare share” of health care; the same exact amount that everyone else (fill in the blank as to who that “else” is) gets.

Level everyone down, take it and spread it around, due it the communist way… Great winning election strategy on what is (expanding Obama care with a public option) the best democratic issue.


Media loves their narratives…they’re more interesting in scripting the news than reporting it and TPM has a major headline issue.


That was a good answer, would have been better if he laid out a path to get there eventually, but it was okay.

We’re not going to get M4A without higher taxes for everyone including the middle class, and people won’t go for that until they see a working system that offsets the taxes by reduced co-pays and payroll deductions. Hence, opt-in M4A as the better path, demonstrating that it can actually work (which Warren eventually realized, although too late).

Biden could be doing a better job of explaining how “beefing up ACA” gets us there eventually, but it was an okay answer to a gotcha question.


But but but the current system saves corporations lots of money and gives them a way to tie employees to them even as they underpay them. And the cost of that freedumb is only a few tens of millions un or under insured and a few tens of thousands who die early every year. So no harm no foul amiright?
The Dem voters have hoodwinked themselves into nominating (or about to anyway) a Republican lite - formerly known as a moderate Republican (now extinct in the wild) when they could have had Elizabeth Warren - a combination of Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt. Congrats guys.


He sure didn’t sound demented here.

My husband and I just voted for him in the MI primary. The polling place was hopping when we were there. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well, today is the Turning Point, when he’s wiped out by double-digit margins in all 6 primaries.


Na, the correct answer to this gotcha question is to point out how Trump/Republicans have undermined Obamacare and underfunded our public health during a pandemic.

Pivot from a stupid question to a relevant one.


“Please get in this box or in this box.”

“No…I think I’ll wait to see what’s in the boxes…”

“Why you gotta fuck up our narratives?”


A better description would be “lackeys at the Koch-owned echo tank Mercatus Center”.


That’s because with the dawn of the 24/7 news feed, they noticed a disturbing trend: they don’t get to just script narratives anymore…they get to script reality.


To steal an old Jon Stewart joke, this question does not take into account the monkey problem.

That is, it disregards the monkeys that would fly out of my butt if M4A passes both houses.


Gotta translate them from the original Russian and then send them around so everyone has a copy to cut and paste.


damn, you’re right :frowning_face:


Ooh, sounds scary. You even went with “communist” to describe a health care system that, broadly speaking, has already been successfully implemented for many decades in every other advanced economy in the world. A+ concern trolling.


Maybe he responded by: (1) Saying that you have to look at the specifics of a bill before deciding whether to sign or veto; and (2) Asking, even within the hypothetical, what the margin of passage was in the House and the Senate.


“Let the best system win” sounds like such an easy answer, but the whole field except Biden and maybe Klobuchar got online brain poisoning from their twitter-active campaign staffs.

The future isn’t what it used to be (and neither is the past for that matter).


Old habits die hard.


Yeah, Excactly… Because a blanket blind assertion, oh yeah totally, for a possibly DoA initiative could never bite one in the ass.

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